Page 18 - The Staunch Test
P. 18


               In  such a case, the writer and producers would be considered out of touch,
               unless the piece was set well in the past or intended as comical. Of course, some
               modern  women  do  choose  a  domestic  life,  but  that’s  very  different  to  only
               seeing women depicted in the home (ironically, the most dangerous place for
               women when it comes to male violence). Instead, in popular culture, women are

               told — or shown — that out there, their role is to be stalked on the street, date-
               raped or assaulted by strangers, abducted, or murdered, particularly by a serial
               killer playing a numbers game with disposable female prey.

                                   Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley), male lead in You.
                    Joe’s look is straight out of the ‘sexy serial killer’ look-book. He’s an obsessive stalker,
                psychopath and murderer. So, what’s the positioning here? Are we meant to think this is what
                                             women really desire and deserve?

               What we’re shown does influence us. What we’re shown repeatedly influences

               us even more. There’s an entire advertising industry built on that premise, using
               all its creative power to convince us to believe in what we see and want it.

               The ad industry recognises that how it depicts people, especially women, can be
               problematic.  A  key  finding  of  a  report  entitled  Depictions,  Perceptions  and
               Harm,  commissioned  by  the  Advertising  Standards  Agency  (ASA)  and  The

               Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) stated that:
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