Page 40 - The Staunch Test
P. 40
14. Seven things the Staunch Test is, and…
1. An easy way to gauge the type and extent of violence to women in a film or TV drama
2. A way to rate film and television titles as Pass, Fail, Debate, depending on whether they contain violence to
women, and if they do, how it is addressed
3. A platform for discussing violence to women on screen in educational settings, including film schools,
and exploring its impact on women in real life
4. A framework for discussing violence to women on screen within the industry, at every stage from
concept to production
5. A means of approaching commissioners, broadcasters and streamers to challenge the unthinking
depiction of violence against women in the material they are responsible for
6. A chance to create industry best standards. Women as a group of humanity should not be singled out to be
endlessly depicted as victims of violence in entertainment. This would be unacceptable with any other group
7. An opportunity for better roles to be created for women, rather than yet more as victims of violent assault.