Page 5 - The Staunch Test
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               The Staunch Book Prize has discovered some incredible thriller authors writing
               truly great stories (you can see some of them via the dropdown menu on the
               Winners page of the SBP website). Among them are exciting adventures, crime
               novels,  historical  fiction,  gay  mysteries,  spy  stories,  psychological  thrillers…
               Novels  featuring  science,  politics,  art,  extreme  weather,  wild  seas,  heists,

               terrorism — so many different and original takes on the thriller genre. The Prize
               is open to published, unpublished and self-published work, because it can be
               harder  to  get  a  novel  that  doesn’t  fit  within  the  current  best-selling  style
               accepted for traditional publication. In our third year we added categories for
               unpublished short stories and flash fiction and brought some fresh new voices
               out to the world. There is  no doubt that it’s possible to produce truly spell-
               binding and innovative thrillers of any length without falling back on the very

               tired old clichés of ‘woman as victim’.

               But the prevalence of violence towards women on screen was still nagging at
               me. I didn’t want to start a competition for screenplays, or a prize for produced
               films or television shows. I wanted to create a tool, a framework for discussion,
               and a way of highlighting the issues. And so, The Staunch Test was born.

               Bridget Lawless
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