Page 10 - The Staunch Test
P. 10


               But for those of us who don’t go looking for darker material, what about the
               effects of simply mopping up a daily fare of drama in which women are beaten,
               stalked, sexually exploited, raped and murdered, without anyone really giving a
               second thought about the effects? Surely, it’s time we realised that, negative
               or positive, what we put out into the world via popular culture has an impact.

               You get back what you put in. When it comes to violence against women, the
               Staunch Test aims to start a conversation about just that.

               3. What is the Staunch Test?

               The Staunch Test is an easy way to note for yourself, discuss with others, assign
               or check the rating of a thriller film or TV drama for violence to women. It can

               also rate dramas that may not be classed as thrillers but whose content makes
               them relevant to the Test. But it has wider aims and concerns.

               The primary aims of the Staunch Test are:

                         To draw attention to how much violence against women appears on our screens

                              To provide the tools for rating films and TV drama for violence against women

                               To highlight how casually violence against women is used as a story device,
                               and to open conversations about why that is

                              To research the connections between  excessive and continuous depictions of
                              on-screen violence to women and their impact on women in real life

                         To challenge the film and television industries to think hard about the issues, and
                         re-evaluate what gets made
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