Page 27 - ba;ayage training manual
P. 27
The first parting above the ears dictates the success of how best to fit the Colorage Meches into
the structure, This parting must be parallel to the shoulders and go from hairline to hairline in a
horseshoe fashion.
Please see Fig P1
Continue up the head using parallel horseshoe partings from hairline to hairline.
Please see Fig P2
Fig P1 A correct horseshoe parting from hairline
to hairline.
This parting is incorrect it will start a collection of partings moving up to the crown of the head
causing a mass of Colorage Meches over the ear that will create a much brighter area than desired.
These slanting partings are not good when placing the Colorage Meches as the weight tends to
drag down the top corner.
Please see Fig P3
Fig P2 A Correct horseshoe parting from hairline Fig P3 An incorrect parting slants from the center
to hairline. of the head down towards the tips of the ears.