Page 31 - ba;ayage training manual
P. 31

Step 13. Take the next parting 4 centimeters above the ears. This parting is the first
 horizontal parting from the facial hairline completely around the head to facial hairline in a
 horizontal horseshoe shape. Continue these horseshoe partings up to the crown with
 Colorage Meches placed along each parting.

 Please see Fig 16

 Steps so far:

 Step 1. Shampoo, condition and blow dry the hair.

 Step 2. Take a horizontal parting in the nape of the neck.

 Step 3. Mix a basic high lift powder bleach with either 6% or 9%.

 Step 4. A thin half a centimeter deep  horizontal section
 directly below the horizontal parting in the nape of the neck.

 Step 5. Pinch the thin half a centimeter deep  horizontal section off the needle of the tail
 comb using your thumb and forefinger.

 Step 6. Open a Colorage “A” Meche then pull the pinched section of hair through the slot.

 Step 7. Slide the Colorage “A” Meche up the hair until it reaches the scalp and fits flush
 along the horizontal parting.

 Step 8. Now paint the bleach through the slots of the template.

 Step 9. Continue painting bleach directly onto the hair past the template to the ends of the


 Step 10. It is possible to slide a Colorage “B” Meche under the ends of the hair to act as an
 Extender Meche.

 Step 11. Finish by covering the bleach with two Colorage B Meches.

 Step 12. T the next horizontal parting is from the top of the ear to the top of the other ear.

 Step 13. Take the next parting 4 centimeters above the ears.

    Fig 16 Step 13. Take the next parting 4 centimeters above the ears.
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