Page 12 - Degree Photos
P. 12

For the fith of my five tableau’s the brief was to create an image of the vice crimes in Paris. I begin with

      the background and create it using exactly the same techniques as tableau one. This background image

      is all about infinity and I did not want to lose that when I montage. By placing the Gendarme’s car at the
      center I was able to bring the point of infinity through the car window

      It was my intention to make this tableau look as close to a straight shot as possible. I shot the image of

      the man praying and placed him between two police officers to simulate the arrest of the pimp/human
      trafficker. Whilst the arrest is taking place a man in a trench coat taunts a police officer into drawing his

      weapon in the belief the man is a suicide bomber. However, he is just a simple flasher. With all this

      police activity going on it still does not stop the prostitute continuing to try to get business.
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