Page 31 - Mumme Booklet
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                                                               Very      At the Northwestern Mutual Wealth
                                                   Aggressive   Aggressive   Management Company, we believe that

                                Moderately  Balanced                     return and risk are linked over the long-
                               Conservative                              term. Generally stated, seeking higher
                     Conservative                                        rates of return requires additional risk.
                                                                         For that reason, risk should be managed
                                                                         through a consistent and ongoing process
                                                                         by investment professionals.

                                                                         To determine the right investment

                                                                         portfolio for you, we consider:
                    Return   Less than optimal                           1. The amount of time before you'll use
                                                                           your investments.
                     Risk                                                2. Your comfort level with risk and
                                                                           fluctuations in value of your investments.
                       Large Cap   Int'l Developed Mkts   Commodities    3. Where you're most likely to get the
                       Mid Cap     Int'l Emerging Mkts   Fixed Income      best possible return for the level of risk
                                                      (w/Cash Alternatives*)   you're taking.
                       Small Cap   Real Estate
                                                                         Even the savviest investors cannot
                    Optimizing your portfolio requires                   consistently predict investment markets.
                    a) determining an asset class mix, and               But that doesn't mean extensive
                    b) selecting investments.                            experience, ongoing research, and a
                    Get either of these wrong and your portfolio will    consistent investment process can't
                    underperform for the amount of risk you're taking.   improve the likelihood that you will achieve
                                                                         your long-term goals.


              The investment professionals at Northwestern Mutual assess the full range of available investment
              opportunities and combine them into portfolios specifically designed for investors to best meet their long-term
              goals. Ongoing monitoring of the markets and underlying investments also permits for mid-course
              adjustments as events unfold.

              * All Signature Portfolios model asset allocations contain a 2% allocation to Cash Alternatives, which is represented in the Fixed
               Income component of the pie chart.
              There is no guarantee that any of the portfolios or models in a product will meet their stated goals or investment objectives.
              Investments are subject to market risk and loss of principal. The investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate,
              and when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. The portfolios represented on the Risk and Return
              Relationship graph are not based on the actual investment experience or portfolio results of any client. No investment strategy can
              guarantee a profit or protect against loss. As with any type of portfolio structuring, however, attempting to reduce risk and increase
              return could at certain times unintentionally reduce returns.
              61-1319 (0911) (REV 0919)

               . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                      This plan is not complete without the Assumptions and Disclosures pages appearing at the end.
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