Page 38 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Workbook
P. 38
9 The power of the mind
Grammar 2 Read the paragraph about thinking positively. Choose
Modal verbs to express certainty and possibility the correct option in italics. Sometimes, both options
are possible.
1 Rewrite the sentences in italics using might, may, could,
must or can’t. Sometimes, more than one answer is
possible. If you’ve always woken up on Monday morning
thinking that it (1) mustn’t / can’t be the start of
1 Look! He’s got something behind his back. It’s my
birthday so I’m sure it’s a present for me. another week already, you (2) might / could have
It’s my birthday so he must have a present for me . been creating depressing feelings as a matter of
habit. Wouldn’t it be lovely to bounce out of bed
2 Sandra’s late coming home. Perhaps she’s out with and feel positive every morning? Think it
her friends.
(3) can’t / mightn’t be done? All it takes is some
She .
visualisation to boost your natural levels of
3 He never says hello to me. Maybe he doesn’t serotonin before you go to sleep and you
speak English. (4) could / must wake up feeling a lot more positive.
He . When you visualise signiicant past achievements
and happy moments in your life, the brain has
4 She’s doing an internship at a TV station. That’s bound dificulty distinguishing between what is real and
to be fun.
what is imagined. It thinks the event (5) must / can’t PDF from
That .
be happening now and produces serotonin. When
5 George doesn’t have a licence. It’s definitely not him you are in the middle of a stressful day, you
driving that car. (6) may / might be able to give your serotonin
It . another boost if you take a few minutes to relect
on past achievements and happy memories.
6 Isabelle just won an award for bravery. No doubt her
parents were very proud of her.
Her parents .
7 Anna and Jack bought a house only six months ago.
I don’t believe they have bought another one.
They .
8 I’ve tasted this recipe before. Perhaps my mother
cooked it for me when I was young.
My mother .
9 My great-grandmother signed her marriage certiicate
with an X. I’m certain she wasn’t able to write.
She .
10 I can’t understand why I wasn’t invited on the holiday.
It’s possible they thought I couldn’t afford it.
They .