Page 31 - Complete First B2 (third edition) Student Book
P. 31

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                                                           Vocabulary and
            « fi                                           grammar review

         Vocabulary                                                      For questions 1 -6, complete the second sentence so
                                                                         that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
            Complete these sentences by writing a phrasal verb or        using the word given. Do not change the word
            expressions from the Vocabulary section on page 21in the     given. You must use between two and five words,
            correct form in the gaps.                                    including the word given.
            1 Miguel is keen to try new things and just        new       1 This motorbike is not as noisy as my previous one.
               challenges even if he hasn’t had any experience in them.     MADE
            2 The football club recently signed a new player who it is hoped  My previous            this one.
               will achieve great things. She simply        in
               terms of everything required to be the next global star.  2 Small towns are safer than large cities.
            3 Paula could have represented her country in any number        NOT
               of sports but she finally         becoming an elite          Small towns              as large cities.
               tennis player.                                            3 No one in the team plays better than Gemma.
            4 Climbing may seem like an individual hobby,but usually there
               are others you need to be able to         to make            PLAYER
               sure you stay safe and to help you if you get into difficulty.  Gemma             in the team.
            5 People who become world champions are usually hugely       4 She looks more relaxed than she did before
               gifted but at some point they have had a                     the exam.
               which changed everything for them.
            6 As a child,Mo              a photo of his dad playing         She doesn’tlook             she didbefore
               cricket as a young adult.From that moment on,he decided he   theexam.
               wanted to follow in his footsteps.                                                                          PDF from
            7 Dennis                the reigningchampion but managed     5 Tatiana does not speak nearly as clearly as Irina.
               to beat him in five sets.                                    MUCH
            8 Li was leadingthe race with one lap to go, but unfortunately  Irina speaks             Tatiana.
               with the finishing line in sight he       steam and
               was overtaken.                                            6 None of the other sofas in the shop are as
            9 Until her new coach             , she had thought her         comfortable as this one.
               best years were a thing of the past.                         ANY
                                                                            This sofa is            the others in
            10 Sarah fell halfway through the race and wasn ’ t sure for a  the shop.
               moment if she could

         Grammar                                                      Word formation

            Join these sentences to form compound and complex            Use the word given in capitals at the end of each
            sentences. More than one answer may be possible.             sentence to form a word that fits in the gap.
                                                                         1 What an                band! I never expected
            1 Katya took up karate. She was seven yearsold.She was
               interested in karate.                                        they’d be that good. AMAZE
            2 Her father is a professional karate instructor.He taught her  2 They found the journey so
               karate.She progressed quickly.                               that they fell asleep as soon as they arrived.
            3 She did karate with other children. The other children were
               the same age as her. None of them was as good as her. She  3 It’s a             problem - I don’t really
               felt dissatisfied.                                           know what to do about it. PUZZLE
            4 Last year,she participated in the national championship.She  4 Jake felt            with his exam results.
               did notwin. She was injured duringone of the matches.        He had hoped to do better.DISAPPOINT
            5 She hopes to become a professional karate instructor. She  5 You can ’ t expect children to work hard if they
               hopes to work in the same sports centre as her father.Her    don’t feel             MOTIVATE
               father has too many students.                             6 We were                by the way they
            6 Some of her father’s students have been studyingkarate for    shouted at us. ASTONISH
               several years.Her father thinks they would benefit from a
               different teacher.They are too familiar with his style of karate.
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