Page 125 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 125

If the breathing is not present, make a tight seal over the mouth and the nose of the infant
                       and begin rescue breathing by giving two slow breaths.
                       Time: 1 second per breath and watch chest rises and allows time for exhalation.
                       Volume: Enough to see the chest of the infant rise during ventilation (cheek)
                       7. Circulation
                       If the pulse is absent give 5 cycles of external 30 chest compressions followed by 2 slow

                           Figure 10.6: chest compression for children
                       Landmarks for external chest compressions
                       Nipple line technique
                       The area of compression is just below the imaginary line, using the middle and ring
                       fingers. Draw a line between your baby's nipples, and go 1 finger length lower than the
                       nipple line. Hold your index finger up, and use your other 2 fingers to do chest
                   ➢  Rate of compression: 100 per minute
                   ➢  Depth of compression: 1/3-1/2 the depth for the chest
                   ➢  Compression : ventilation ratio: 30:2
                   ➢  Compression: relaxation cycle should be equal
                       8. Reassessment

                   ➢  Reassess the infant after every 5 cycles of 30 compressions and 6 cycles of 2 ventilations
                       (2 minutes).
                   ➢  According to the findings
                   ➢  There are pulse and breathing, place the infant in the recovery position, monitors vital
                       signs until EMS arrives
                   ➢  There is a pulse but no breathing continues to rescue breathing one breath every 3-5
                       seconds (12-20 per minute) and reassess.
                   ➢  No pulse or breathing continues CPR 30:2. Ratio, assess for the pulse and breathing after
                       5 cycles (2minutes)
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