Page 121 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 121
C. Your fingers may be either extended or interlaced but must be kept off the chest.
D. Lock your elbows into position, the arms are straightened and shoulders directly over
the victim's sternum. Keep the heel of your hand lightly in contact with the chest during
the relaxation phase of chest compression to maintain the correct hand position.
Figure 10.5: Giving chest compression
Push hard- push fast: equal compression and relaxation allowing recoil of the chest
Chest compression: ventilation 30: 2, for 5 cycles (2 minutes rate of 100 per minute.
Depth of 1.5 to 2 inches for adults
9. Reassessment
After 5 cycles of compressions and 6 cycles of ventilations (30:2), check for the return of
carotid pulse/ and spontaneous breathing
According to the findings (after 2 minutes):
If there is a pulse, place in the recovery position, monitor vital signs until EMS arrives.
If there is a pulse but no breathing, continue to rescue breathing every 5- 6 seconds (10-
12 breaths).
Recheck pulse every 2 minutes.
No pulse or breathing continues CPR 30:2. Until provider arrives
Repeat to 5 cycles of compression and 6 cycles of breathing. (150:12)