Page 119 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 119
Figure 10.2: Opening the airway
6. Assess Breathing
Assessment of breathlessness and carotid pulse (5-10 seconds)
Place your ear just one inch above the mouth and the nose of the victim and
perform the following simultaneously: Use LLF methods
LOOK: for the chest to rise and fall
LISTEN: for air escaping during exhalation, and
FEEL: for the flow of air on your cheek
NB: Count the number 1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010 to be
sure you are checking for 10 seconds because 1001 represents 1 second, and 1002
represents 2, and continue others like this.
Simultaneously assess the presence of pulses
7. Check pulse at the carotid artery which is the most common and reliable.
While maintaining the head tilt with one hand, locate the victim's Adam's apple
(thyroid cartilage) with two or three fingers of the other hand. Slide your fingers
into the groove between Adam's apple and the muscle on the side nearest you where
the carotid pulse can be felt.