Page 117 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 117
10.2 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Definition: Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency procedure consisting of
external cardiac massage and artificial respiration
To squeeze blood manually out of the heart for victim’s with cardiac arrest
To provide oxygenated blood to the brain and heart
To restore blood circulation
✓ Respiratory Arrest: Respiratory arrest refers to the absence of breathing.
✓ Cardiac Arrest: When the heart stops, there is no pulse.
The CPR must begin within 4-6 minutes of collapse if not; the brain is sensitive to
hypoxia and will sustain irreversible damage after 4-6 minutes of no oxygen.
The cause of cardiac arrest is important BUT do not delay CPR to obtain a history
Relative Contraindications
Ribs fractured
Burn of the sternum (full thickness)
1. No special equipment is needed at the emergency- just hands and mouth & step by step
2. At hospital level (Ambubag, firm board, stethoscope, spatula )
10.2.1Adult CPR procedure
1. Check the Scene or Assess the Situation (Always Present if it is out of Health
✓ Make sure it is safe for you to help.
✓ Don't become another victim and assess the environment to know the cause of the
2. Check the Victim or Assess unresponsiveness
✓ Tap or gently shake the victim and shout “Are you ok”.
✓ To elicit a response a painful stimulus can be applied such as:
✓ Pinching the earlobe,
✓ Pressing over the eyelid and observing for grimacing.
✓ Other associations recommend rubbing on the sternum using the knuckles of the fingers.