Page 112 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 112
To prevent any complication from anesthesia
To detect the sign of post-operative complications
To rehabilitate the patient
To re-establish physiological equilibrium
To alleviate pain
1. Vital sign equipment
2. Stethoscope
3. Sphygmomanometer
4. Thermometer
5. Watch
6. Oximeter
7. Blankets
8. Cardiac monitoring equipment
9. Sterile dressings as needed
10. Client’s chart with postoperative orders
11. Incentive spirometer (may be optional)
12. Supplemental oxygen, if needed
13. Sequential stockings and/or anti embolic stockings (as ordered)
14. Gloves
1. Wash hands and apply gloves.
2. Check the client’s temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, and blood pressure upon the
client’s arrival in the unit.
3. Identify client via armband and verify the client’s identity with the chart.
4. Inform the client that she/he is out of the operating room and in the recovery room.
5. If bedside electrocardiogram monitoring is available, attach the leads to the client and run
a baseline electrocardiogram strip.
6. Attach the oximeter to the client and monitor the client’s oxygen saturation
7. Check the intravenous (IV) site using gloves. Check IV solution(s), flow rate, and that the
IV line is taped as necessary
8. Check surgical dressing and site, if visible. Assess dressings for amount and type of
drainage. Reinforce the dressings as needed.
9. Complete a total head to toe assessment
10. Encourage the client to a deep breath, cough, and use the incentive spirometer
11. Check and implement postoperative orders.
12. Inform the client’s family or significant other that the client is in the recovery room.
13. Turn the client every hour, maintaining proper alignment.