Page 107 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 107
7. A measuring jag with water of 82 C
8. The drug ordered might be eucalyptus, tincture of benzoin (about 4cc), or a few
9. Crystals of menthol to 600 cc of H20
10. Graduated measure
11. Sputum cup for the patient
1. The inhaler should be warmed and the glass mouthpiece boiled.
2. Measure the drug as ordered.
3. Pour in the graduate measure 90cc of cold water and 500cc of boiled water to bring the
temp temperature 82 C or half by half; or pour half a pint (300 c.c) of boiling water into
the inhaler then 5cc of tincture of benzoin or any other drug ordered.
4. Then add another 300cc of water making sure that the temperature of water in the
inhaler comes to 82 C. This is done to have a good mixture of the drug. The level of the
fluid should not be above the spout.
5. Fix the mouthpiece firmly in the inhaler in a direction opposite to the air inlet and cover
the inhaler with a blanket or towel.
6. Close windows.
7. Prepare the patient usually in a sitting-up position making sure that he is well
8. Then put the inhaling pan on a saucepan on the tray locate the try on the overhead table
or his knees in such a way that over the can send over the table down his knee in such a
way that he can bend over from him cover his the inhaler easily.
9. Put the spot for the escape of steam away head with the blanket.
10. Tell the patent to breathe in by putting his lips to the mouthpiece, which may be
protected by a piece of gauze, and breath out by removing his lips for a moment from
the mouthpiece.
11. The treatment can take from 5-10 minutes after which the patient should keep the
patient warm and comfortable for some time
If Nelson's inhaler is not available a wide-mouthed jug may be used.
The patient should be covered up to the waist with a blanket or the mouth of the jug
may be covered with a towel to make the opening small enough for the patient to put
his nose and mouth (not eyes) on it.
Report the amount and nature of any sputum or discharge.
Care of Equipment after Use:
– Pour out the water from the inhaler (not into a sink)
– Wash the inhaler with hot water
– Boil the mouthpiece