Page 106 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 106
Objectives: At the end of this unit the trainees will be able to:
1. Apply the basic principle of inhalational therapy
2. Apply inhalation therapy
Definition: Inhalation is the act of drawing in of gas vapor or steam into the lungs for
therapeutic Purposes. It could be in dry, moist, or vapor form
Figure 8.1 Inhalation method
Definition: It is the intake of steam alone or with medication through the nose or
To produce a local effect on the upper respiratory passage during cold, sinusitis,
laryngitis, bronchitis, etc. common drugs used are fried balsam (tincture of benzoin
compound, eucalyptus, menthol, camphor)
To allay spasm e.g. Asthma, angina pectoris
To increase circulation in the lungs by increasing or decreasing the secretion of the
bronchi. E.g. Ammonia inhaled in cases of fainting & syncope stimulated the
respiratory center and heart action.
To moisten secretions e.g. Tracheotomy
There are two types of inhalation
Intermittent (interrupted) e.g. Nelson’s inhaler
Continuous method e.g. Steam tent
A. Nelson’s inhaler
1. Nelson's inhaler with the mouthpiece
2. Cover for the inhaler (blanket or towel)
3. A bowl or saucepan to carry the inhaler with
4. Face towel to wipe the face as patient required
5. Gauze can be used around the mouthpiece to prevent the burning of the lips.
6. A tray, large enough, to carry the inhaler to take it to the bedside