Page 110 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 110

25. Ascertain that the preoperative checklist is complete.
                   26. Transport the client to the appropriate area.
                   27. Inform family members where the surgical waiting area is and establish a way to contact
                       them when surgery is completed

                       9.2 Intra-operative care
                       Definition: intra-operative care is care given for a patient from when the patient is
                       transferred to the operating room table to when the patient is admitted to the recovery
                       room or post-anesthesia care unit.

                       To prevent the risk of infection
                       To reduce the risk of injury-related to positioning
                       To reduce the risk of injury-related to chemical hazards
                       To reduce the risk of injury-related to foreign objects left in the body

                   1.  Gloves (clean for shaving; sterile for cleaning surgical site)
                   2.  Razor and sharp blades
                   3.  Sterile gauze (to clean the razor)
                   4.  Warm water
                   5.  Antibacterial cleansing agent
                   6.  Sterile cotton swabs
                   7.  Sterile cotton sponges
                   8.  Transfer forceps in antiseptic solution
                   9.  Solution for surgical site cleaning, such as 70% alcohol
                   10. Solution basins

                   1.  Review the chart for surgery to be performed and determine the exact area to be prepped.
                   2.  Wash hands.
                   3.  Assess the client's level of consciousness and  mobility
                   4.  Explain the procedure to the client.
                   5.  Be sure that hairpins, jewelry, nail polish, contact lenses, prostheses, and dentures were
                       removed during the preoperative preparation.
                   6.  Assist the client with a transfer from a wheelchair or bed to the surgical table.
                   7.  Position the client for optimal access to the  surgical site according to institutional
                   8.  Cover with blanket
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