Page 115 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 115

5.  Secretion collecting bottle.
                   6.  A tubing system is connected to the suction catheter.
                   7.  The gauge that registers the degree of suction.
                   8.  Sterile normal saline or water.
                   9.  Ambo bag (manual resuscitation bag).
                   10. Stethoscope.
                   11. Sterile towel.
                   12. Sterile gloves.
                   13. Sterile gauze to wipe  the catheter
                   14. Water-soluble lubricant for nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal.
                   15. Container for normal saline or water to flush and lubricate the catheter.
                   16. Goggle and face mask for the nurse.
                   17. Moisture resistant pad or towel.

                   1.  Explain the procedure to the client
                   2.  Wash hands
                   3.  Assemble the equipment
                   4.  Position
                   5.  A conscious patient who has gag reflex in semi-fowler’s position with head turned to on side for
                       oral suctioning and hyperextended for nasal suctioning.
                   6.  Position the unconscious patient in a side-lying position, facing you; which facilitates drainage of
                       secretion and prevents aspiration.
                   7.  Place the towel or moisture-resistant pad over the pillow or under the client's chin.
                   8.  Arrange and turn on suction and set the pressure on the suction gauge. The suction is either a wall
                       unit or a portable unit. If it is:
                       •  Wall unit, the pressure ranges are:
                       •  Adult 100 to 120 mmHg
                       •  Child 95 to 110 mmHg
                       •  Infant 50 to 95 mmHg
                       •  portable unit, the pressure ranges are:
                       •  Adult 10 to 15 mmHg
                       •  Child 5 to 10 mmHg
                       •  Infant 2 to 5 mmHg
                   9.  Open the suction  catheter kit
                   10.  Set up the cup (saline or water container)
                   11.  Pour the saline or water into the cup or container.
                   12.  Pre-oxygenate the client with 100% o2 with manual resuscitation this helps to prevent hypoxia;
                       hyperinflation decreases atelectasis caused by suctioning.
                   13.  Done the sterile glove, or don a nonsterile glove on the monodominant hand and then a sterile
                       glove on the dominant hand; the sterile gloved hand maintains the sterility of the suction catheter.

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