Page 136 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 136

                       Objectives: At the end of this unit the learner will be able to:
                   1.  Demonstrate how to feed a helpless patient
                   2.  Demonstrate proper practice of enteral feeding
                   3.  Properly administer parental feeding
                   4.  Properly check the placement of NG tube
                   5.  Monitor input and output of the patient

                       12.1 Feeding a helpless patient

                       Definition: Feeding a helpless patient is providing nutritional intake for a pt that is
                       unable to feed him/herself.
                       To assist the patient to eat a meal
                       To meet the nutritional need
                       To promote healthily
                       To prevent dehydration
                       To improve appetite

                       General weakness or critically ill patient
                       Paralysis or limitation of movement E.g. Presence of arm splints casts and traction.
                       Small children.
                       General Instruction
                     Check the diet ordered
                     Make the surroundings neat and clean.
                     Prepare patient and over – bed table
                     Hot food should be served hot and cold food cold.
                     The tray should be complete, clean, and neat. The food, no matter how simple, should be
                       attractive and appetizing.

                       Control odors noise and unpleasant sights at meal equipment.
                       Remove solid equipment & linens
                       Provide oral hygiene
                       Hand washing
                       Position comfortable preferable sitting up position
                       Meal tray:  Ensure the correct tray for the correct patient
                     Arrange tray on the table to be accessible to the patient
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