Page 192 - Demonstrating skill coppysaved colored-converted
P. 192
Always given the complete name, the name of the doctor, the room number, and also
the hospital chart number if there is one.
Color of ink: All charting must be done in black or blue-black
Important events are charted in red on the graphic sheet, E.g. Transfusion, day of
Legibility: Print as plainly and distinctly as possible. Do not use any fancy words.
There should be no question about the words and figures used. This is especially true
when recording temperature pulse, respiration, and dosage of medicine.
Neatness: No blotches on chart sheets. No wrinkling of sheets. Proper spacing of items
and words. Begin each statement with a capital letter place a period after all
abbreviations & at the end each statement.
Errors: If an error is made, use a ruler and draw one line through it, printable above
error, and sign your name. No erasing is permitted on the chart.
Each nurse should do her/his charting, that is she/he should chart each Procedure.
Autographing consists of the first name and the father's initial.
Compositions short carefully, composition and spelling must be correct to consult a
dictionary when in doubt. Only approved abbreviations can be used on the nursing
record. If in doubt consult the supervisor. Do not use chemical formulas for the drug as
KMNO4 instead of potassium permanganate.
Sentences: need not be complete but, they must be clear. Avoid needless repetition of
the word "patient". The remark should reflect as nearly as possible the patient's
condition (watch your grammar).
All orders should be written and signed. Verbal orders should be written in the order
sheet and signed by the doctor on the next visit.
Time on charting: charting must be done after Procedure on observation.
This is an absolute must. Chart the hour the treatment or medication is given.
The exact time of sleeping pills and narcotics must also be given.
Do not record events taking place at different hours on the same line.
Be sure to write A.M. or P.M. when charting the hour. Noon is written 12 M.D. and
midnight is written 12 M.N. be careful not to confuse Ethiopian and European time.
a) Order sheet
b) Doctor’s progress noted
c) Nursing notes
d) Temperature graphic
e) Laboratory reports
g) Patients or relatives and friends of patients are not allowed to read the chart.
N.B: The order of assembling charts may differ from hospital to hospital.