Page 24 - BCICAI-Connect-Dec-2023
P. 24
International Writer
Above and beyond!
Journey of a Chartered Accountant
CA Bharathy K
Head F &A - Mahindra Research Valley
The Foundation: Handwork Never Fails! traits of determination, perseverance and resilience
came handy to face fears, stand up for what is right,
As a school kid, I was always a curious person and believe in our ability to overcome any obstacle
and had greater adrenaline rush to solve Maths that comes our way. The important aspect one
problems. Observing this behaviour for mine, my should be having for a fast-track growth in early
maths teacher once, told that I should pursue CA stage of career is to Set ambitious goal, keep the
course and that will best fit my nature. Hailing learning curve steep, achieve efficiency, develop
from a small town, I had no reference of what the next set of newcomers and move to next role.
course means, and neither was there any visibility
of coaching classes nearby. Whomever I enquired Some Tit bits to achieve success level one level
about this course only said that it is tough to clear. higher than others.
Some even warned me that “Jesus never fails, until • Foster innovation: Look for ways to improve
he writes CA exams” processes, products, or services in your
But the notion that it’s a “tough course” only organization and be proactive in proposing and
provoked me to attempt it and I registered for implementing.
CA course as soon I finished my XII grade. With • Take initiative: Don’t wait for instructions or
mentorship/guidance from people around me and permission to act. Identify areas where you can
a strong articleship exposure, I managed to clear take ownership and make a positive impact.
all levels in the first attempt. Volunteer for challenging projects. Seek out
The Beginner: David assignments that stretch your abilities.
• Embrace continuous learning: Attend
workshops, take online courses, or participate
in professional development programs to stay
ahead of the curve. Stay updated.
• Emphasize attention to detail: Pay close
attention to the quality of your work. Strive for
accuracy and precision and ensure that you
consistently deliver high-quality results.
• Seek feedback and act on it: Regularly seek
feedback from supervisors, colleagues, and
clients. Use this feedback constructively
It reminds us that, belief in ourselves and in a higher
power can empower us to achieve greatness, no to improve your performance and make
matter our circumstances. And yes, it worked. necessary adjustments.
Other than self-belief, my peers at office were of The Evolver: CFO Above
great moral/technical support to me, helping to The historical perception of a CFO role may well be of
navigate initial challenges.
an individual in an organisation who is responsible
The Foundation that CA course fostered in me, viz., for the production of the financial statements and
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