Page 38 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
P. 38

TOWN OF Emerald Isle

                                                                                                                                                             WHY BUY


                                                                                                                                                       Did you know that in the United States   Friendly Market
                                                                                                                                                       most produce is picked four to seven days   This upscale, indoor/outdoor market is
                                                                                                                                                       before being displayed on supermarket   located in a unique setting, offering fresh
                                                                                                                                                       shelves, and, on average, is shipped for   local produce and homemade baked
                                                                                                                                                       1500 miles before being sold? Those   goods, including Market “Crack” Pie and
                                                                                                                                                       distances are considerably longer when   Tomato Cheese Pie to name a few.
                                                                                                                                                       we take into consideration foods that are   Stroll along the winding path and enjoy
                                                                                                                                                       imported from Canada, Mexico, Asia and   the beautiful wooded surroundings of
                                                                                                                                                       other places.                      The Plant Stand while snacking on a fresh
                                                                                                                                                                                          pastry...we hear the tomato pies
                                                                                                                                                       Buying from local farmers means you   go quickly!
                                                                                                                                                       are getting your food at its peak. Fresh   Every Day 9 am - 5 pm
         Important Beach Regulations          Building at 7509 Emerald Drive to purchase   not be tolerated. Please use the numerous                   foods purchased from local farms are   205 Friendly Road, Corner of Bridges St.
                                              an annual permit or call 252-354-3424.   trash cans and recycling containers located                     healthier and fresher because they   Extension & Friendly Road, Morehead City
       The main reason people come to Emerald   Beach vehicle access ramps are located    at every public beach access.                                don’t spend days on trucks and then on | 252-222-0273
                                                                                                                                                       supermarket shelves losing their nutrients.
       Isle is enjoy the beautiful   at the 3000 block of Ocean Drive    •  Red flags in place on the beach strand                        Preservatives are often used to keep the   Cedar Point Salty Air Open Market
       beaches. Please adhere to the following   (the "dog-leg"), the end of Black Skimmer   mean surf conditions are extremely                        food stable longer and are potentially   Located in Cedar Point, this outdoor
       beach regulations to ensure everyone’s   Drive and at The Point.             dangerous and swimming is not advised.                             hazardous to your health. Commercially   open-air market offers a wide variety of
       visit to the beach is as enjoyable as   •  Dunes are the Town's first line of defense   •  Sea turtle nests are marked with wooden              produced foods are also challenging   farm fresh local produce, free range eggs,
       possible. Questions about the Town’s beach   in storms and hurricanes. Climbing on the   posts, tape and signage and should                     to grow without the use of pesticides,   fresh local pork and farm fresh milk and
                                              dunes is not permitted.
       regulations can be directed to the Town                                      be avoided. The Town is a sea turtle                               chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and growth   dairy products. Local artisans and crafters
       Manager’s office at 252-354-3424, the Fire   •  Fires are not permitted on the beach strand.  sanctuary and works diligently to protect         hormones – all of which can be harmful to   are on hand selling a wide array of
       Department Beach Patrol at 252-354-2445,   •  Fireworks that leave the ground and/or   sea turtles.                                             both the environment and human health.   handcrafted wares. Make it a point to
       or the Police Department at 252-354-2021.  explode are illegal. The Police Department   •  Surfing is not permitted within 200 feet of          Purchasing locally grown, farm-fresh food   visit the area’s newest outdoor market,
                                              will confiscate any illegal fireworks and file   the ocean fishing pier.                                 and local seafood helps preserve your   where strolling along and talking to the
       •  Beach tents, canopies and other beach   appropriate charges.                                                                                 health and the environment. You’ll also   locals is just as fun as shopping.
         equipment must be removed from the   •  Holes in the sand deeper than 12 inches   RIP CURRENT SAFETY                                          be strengthening the local economy by   Summer hours Tues - Fri 9 am - 5 pm,
         beach strand each night. Town staff will   must be filled in completely when you   If caught in an ocean rip current:                         investing money close to home.     Sat - Sun 9 am - 5 pm
         confiscate any unattended beach tents,   leave the beach. Large holes are a safety   •  Remain calm to conserve energy                                                           307 Cedar Point Blvd.
         canopies and other equipment left out   hazard for others using the beach,    and think clearly.                                               Several places where you can buy
         during the overnight hours.          as well as for nesting sea turtles and    •  Never fight against the current.                                fresh, local foods:
       •  Camping overnight is not permitted on the   their offspring.                                                                                       Winberry Farm                Cap’n Willis Seafood Market
                                                                                                                                                                                          Fresh, local seafood from their own boats
         beach strand.                       •  Horseback riding is allowed on the beach   •  Think of the rip current like a treadmill                      Open every day the end of April   including shrimp, scallops, tuna, grouper,
                                                                                    that cannot be turned off, but you can
       •  Cigarette butts should not be left on the   between September 15 and April 30 only   step to the side of.                                           through the end of November,   local oysters, crabs, crabmeat and more.
         beach, but should be properly discarded.  (closed to horseback riding during Easter   •  Swim out of the current in a direction                       8:30 am - 6:30 pm          The friendly folks at Cap’n Willis will even
       •  Dogs are permitted on the beach strand,   week). Horseback riders should use the   following the shoreline. When out of the                          1006 Cedar Point Blvd,     pack your coolers for travel. Look
                                              beach vehicle access ramps to access
         but must be kept on a leash at all times.   the beach. No permit is required. Horse   current, swim at an angle, away from                            Cedar Point   252-393-2281  for the red roof at 7803 Emerald Drive
         Dog excrement must be collected and   excrement must be collected and removed   the current, toward shore.                                                                       in Emerald Isle. Open 7 days a week
         removed from the beach strand.       from the beach strand.                                                                                                                      from 9 am to 7 pm.
         Trash containers are located at each                                     •  If you are unable to swim out of the rip                                                             253-354-2500
         public beach access on both the beach   •  Jet skis and other personal watercraft may   current, float or calmly tread water. When
         and street sides.                    not be operated at a speed greater than   out of the current, swim toward shore.
       •  Driving on the beach is allowed for four   five miles per hour within 200 feet of the   •  If you are still unable to reach shore, draw
                                              shoreline or within 200 feet of an ocean
         wheel drive vehicles with a Town-issued   fishing pier.                    attention to yourself by waving your arms
         permit between the dates of September 15                                   and yelling for help.
         and April 30 only (closed to driving during   •  Leaping from an ocean fishing pier is illegal.
         Easter week). Visit the Town Administration   •  Littering on the beach is illegal and will

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