Page 33 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
P. 33



                   KEEPING YOU


       While you’re out enjoying the beach and all of the

       local attractions that Emerald Isle has to offer,         

 If you have fallen in love with our gorgeous   We offer a select group of homes and   Why just vacation when you can live here   stay connected with us on social media and let us   @eirealtync
 sunny summers we know you will enjoy   condos in our vacation rental program that   year-round? Our properties are located in
 discovering the quiet beauty and joy in our   are available for monthly rentals   Emerald Isle and the surrounding areas   share your fun! While you’re here you can check local
 spring, winter and fall days on the island   during the off-season with   of Indian Beach, Pine Knoll Shores, Cape
 as well. An extended vacation or a home-  greatly discounted rates. These   Carteret, Newport and Swansboro.  weather, get the scoop on what other vacationers
 away-from-home for several months can   are indicated by a special icon in   @eirealtync
 be just the answer. If you dread another icy   our vacation rental catalog.  We look forward to working with you to find   are talking about and see what’s happening in
 winter of shoveling snow, escape the harsh   the perfect long-term rental property or
 cold months for our mild island winters. Our   Annual Rentals  monthly vacation rental property!  Emerald Isle. Follow Emerald Isle Realty on Facebook,
 peaceful, uncrowded beaches and the sun                         
 rising and setting over the Atlantic Ocean   We also have an outstanding selection of   For more information call one of our Long   Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr and
 are just a few more reasons to consider a   homes in our annual rental program that   Term Rental Agents at 252-354-6149 or
 monthly rental during our secret season, the   are perfect for families, single professionals,   email us at  Google+ to keep up with the latest happenings on
 Islander Season here at Emerald Isle Realty.  military service persons and retired couples.
       the Crystal Coast. #EIRealtyNC                                                                                  31
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