Page 31 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
P. 31




 SALTY KISSES                        2017 Wedding Traditions WINNERS
                                              Photos by Heather Chipps Photography

       Emerald Isle has always held a special place   impressed us with her knowledge and   dinner! When it came down to the ceremony
       in my husband’s heart. He always told me   experience by answering all of our difficult   details, Krystal immediately had everyone
       of the small-town vibe that brings a family   and rather detailed questions the day we   lined up and they all knew exactly what
       together on vacation was like no other. EI,   met her. She even gave us a packet of   to do (and what not to do). I couldn’t believe
       as he refers to it, is his second home away   vendors and her personal recommendations   how smooth our rehearsal went the very
       from home and I knew once I agreed to   to help us decide on food, flowers,   first time!
 Photo by Allie Miller Photography  marry him, it would be mine as well. After   entertainment, and even hair and make-up.   The morning of our big day I was able to
       visiting the island with him for the first time   Krystal went above and beyond her duties   wake up and focus on my closest friends
       I could tell right away why he loved it so   as a wedding planner by even calling the   and family. My family and bridesmaids were
 WEDDING TRADITIONS  much. We both feel completely at peace with   owners of a rental property through Emerald   able to drink mimosas and watch movies in
                                             Isle Realty that Josh's family stayed at the
       our toes in the sand and a mystery book in
                                                                                  our beach house while we got ready without
       our hand as we hear the waves crashing in   week of the wedding to ask if we could have   one wedding worry! Everyone kept saying
 Was your Emerald Isle Realty wedding beyond compare,                             how incredibly calm I was that morning, but
 amazingly fun for your guests and the most romantic                              I know looking back at that day that the
 Let our knowledgeable and   setting imaginable? Here’s your chance to tell us why   only reason I was calm was because I knew
 gifted Event Planner make your  and win a romantic three-night getaway package   Krystal would take care of everything and I
                                                                                  trusted her completely. I was blown away at
 dreams come true . . .                                                           how perfect everything was when I finally
 during our Islander or Sports season with Sand Castle                            did show up to the wedding venue that
   · Wedding & Event Planning
 accommodations, champagne, roses and dinner for two.                             afternoon. All my decorations were set up
   · Vow Renewal                                                                  better than I could have imagined. Krystal
 Send us your entry by September 1, 2018 telling us how                           didn’t forget a thing all night! From fixing our
   · Uniquely Beautiful Ceremony &                                                dinner plates, to cueing the DJ, to handing
 Reception Sites  our beautiful island and Emerald Isle Realty made your   the background. We knew there could be no   our rehearsal dinner at the beach house.    us champagne flutes to toast with, she truly
 wedding day the most incredible day of your life for you   other place to share in holy matrimony but   I honestly couldn't believe how perfect    was a utility player all night!
   · Family Reunions  Emerald Isle!          our wedding was turning out to be with
 and your beloved.                           Krystal's help!                      Our perfect day would not have been
   · Corporate Retreats  When searching for the right venue we fell               possible if it wasn’t for Krystal and Emerald
   · Luxurious Accommodations  BROUGHT TO YOU BY:  in love with The Ocean Club. We couldn't   As the day started to approach, Krystal   Isle Realty! We will never be able to thank
       imagine getting married anywhere other   stayed in constant communication with   them enough for helping to make our dream
   · Referrals for top notch caterers,   than the beach and this venue provided easy   me making sure I was not worrying about   a reality!
 musicians, photographers and   Krystal Bequette  access to a sea-side wedding, along with the   a thing. When the day before finally
 Senior Events Director  comfortable feeling of an elegant reception   arrived, I was able to drop all my wedding   Chrissy & Josh Barmoy
 floral design  Certified Wedding Planner
       site right across the street.         decorations off at The Ocean Club and leave
       After deciding on our venue, we still were a   all of the hard stuff (like actually decorating
       little nervous with our destination wedding   everything) completely in her hands. The only  |  |  877-423-6401  |  Visit Our Showroom at 208 Bogue Inlet Drive   thing I had to worry about for the rest of the
       until we met our wedding planner, Krystal,
       through Emerald Isle Realty. Krystal instantly   day was getting ready for our rehearsal and                                                                                  29
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