Page 27 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
P. 27
A trip to North Carolina’s beautiful beaches Instead, swim out in a direction following the a shark in North Carolina waters are very low.
is an enjoyable and memorable experience shoreline, and swim toward shore once you’re To further reduce your risk, consider
for many visitors and families. Whether you’re out of the current. the following tips from the North Carolina
going swimming, sailing or surfing, taking Aquarium at Fort Fisher:
strolls in the sand or laying out to catch some BEACH WARNING FLAGS • Do not enter the water or swim near a pier,
sun or participating in any of the many other Watch for flags posted at many beach as they attract baitfish that sharks feed
activities at our coastal attractions, we want access sites signifying water conditions. on and are a very likely place for sharks to
your time at the beach to be as safe as it is The chart below is representative of the swim if they come close to shore.
fun. Here are some tips to help you stay safe. most commonly used standards. • Avoid waters being used by sport or
commercial fishermen, especially if there
EXPOSURE TO THE SUN are signs of baitfish or feeding activity.
Diving seabirds are good indicators of such
Enjoying the sunshine means also being • Always stay in groups. Sharks are more
aware of the dangers of prolonged exposure
H to the sun. Proper and regular application of • Avoid being in the water during dusk,
likely to attack a solitary individual.
sunscreen to exposed skin will help protect
your skin from sunburn and sun damage.
darkness or twilight hours. This is when
Remember to reapply sunscreen every time
you get out of the water. sharks are most active and have a sensory
Vacation RIP CURRENTS • Wearing shiny jewelry in the water is
discouraged because the reflected light
Rip currents are channeled currents of water
LIKE A LOCAL that flow away from shore and can quickly JELLYFISH • Avoid wearing brightly colored contrasting
resembles the sheen of fish scales.
Jellyfish and Portuguese man o’ war stings
pull even the strongest swimmers out to
clothing in the water. Sharks see contrast
sea. Since the current flows under water, it’s
are best avoided by staying aware of
particularly well.
important to know the signs of a rip current
it should be treated quickly. Jellyfish have
and avoid the water in that area. beach surroundings. In the case of a sting, • Refrain from excess splashing to minimize
your risk.
According to the National Oceanic and clear, jellylike bodies with tentacles with • Exercise caution when swimming between
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), stinging structures hanging below and swim sandbars or near steep drop-offs.
indicators of rip currents include: under water.The Portuguese man o’ war These are favorite hangouts for sharks.
TIPS from YOUR FRIENDS at EMERALD ISLE REALTY • A channel of churning, choppy water. has a colorful, air-filled bladder that keeps • Do not enter the water if bleeding.
it afloat on the surface of the water with
• Notable differences in water color.
A shark’s sense of smell is acute.
• Lines of foam, seaweed or debris moving tentacles stretching underneath. If you spot
We know you are going to love our little water shoes due to oyster shells, barnacles in serious injuries. We would suggest family steadily seaward. either, stay calm, get out of the water and SEVERE WEATHER
slice of the North Carolina coast for its and other sharp objects that may be hard photos are beautiful when taken at the • A break in the incoming wave pattern. alert others. Both inject venom when they Be attentive to any weather-related watches
natural beauty, delicious seafood, to see. beach instead of on the deck, and the light sting and can sting even after they’re dead, or warnings issued by the National Weather
amazing restaurants and over 300 miles is most beautiful one hour before sunset. Be Check the National Weather Service Surf so avoid touching those washed up on the Service or local authorities, and follow
of gorgeous beaches. Although our homeowners have carefully sure to position your family members facing Zone Forecasts for the latest rip current, high beach. Common sting symptoms include red carefully any precautionary directions or
maintained their beach homes and our the glow from the sunset, not with their and low tide and surf height information. welts, blisters, pain, tingling and itching. To evacuation notices from public safety officials.
Since we like to think of ourselves as your maintenance staff has done inspections backs to the sunset, making their faces dark. Depending on which beach you’re headed to treat a sting: When thunderstorms or lightning threaten,
friends at the beach, here are a few things and repairs in the off season, we still wish you’ll want to check either the Morehead City/ • Wear gloves or other hand covering to seek cover promptly in a large enclosed
to keep in mind so you can “vacation like a to enlist you to help us keep your family Locals also enjoy trips to the North Carolina Outer Banks or Wilmington regional forecasts. remove tentacles. building or if not possible, an enclosed
local.” Please take a moment to also read safe while on vacation. Upon arrival, if you Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores, the North • Wash the affected area with vinegar metal vehicle. The National Weather Service
on the adjacent page, “Tips for Staying Safe suspect that the deck, railings or exterior Carolina Maritime Museum in Beaufort, Flags on public beaches also indicate rip or rubbing alcohol. recommends waiting 30 minutes until after
at the Beach” published by the state of stairs have deteriorated since our last and the always entertaining Core Sound current alerts: green for low hazard and • Do not rinse with water, which could the last thunder crack before returning to
North Carolina. inspection or since the homeowner was Waterfowl Museum at Harkers Island. When calm conditions yellow for medium hazard release more venom. the beach. You can always get the latest on
last at their island vacation rental home, you wish to have a day out of the sun or with moderate surf conditions, and red for • Contact a lifeguard or doctor for further tropical storm forecasts from the National
Locals have passed down this information please do not hesitate to call us and we will if you are faced with a rainy afternoon, high hazard with rough conditions indicating treatment as needed. Hurricane Center.
to children and grandchildren about ocean send our maintenance staff to inspect and these can be great adventures for all the rip currents. Be sure to look for flags on
safety, and we wanted you to be “in the repair, if necessary, any issues you report. generations traveling with you. lifeguard stations, and read the sign keys SHARKS
know” about jellyfish, sharks, rip currents We also ask your assistance by not over- when arriving at the beach. Most shark encounters with humans
and sun exposure. We love our ocean swims occupying the deck. A deck incident occurred We wish for you the happiest, safest beach are cases of mistaken identity. Swimmers,
and follow these guidelines ourselves. Locals in 2015 when two dozen family members vacation ever, and we are so grateful you If you see warning signs of rip currents or surfers and others in the water may splash
prefer not to swim at dawn and dusk when clustered at one corner of the deck for a have chosen Emerald Isle Realty to be your moderate or high hazard flags, stay out of and present visual targets that mislead the
it is possibly meal time for larger fish. When family photograph, and the deck failed to friends at the beach! the water, and alert others to do the same. shark, causing it to mistake people for prey.
swimming in Bogue Sound, we like to wear support their concentrated weight, resulting If caught in a rip current, you should stay Most attacks occur in near-shore waters,
calm to conserve energy and allow yourself between sandbars or near steep drop-offs
to think clearly. Don’t try to fight the current. where sharks feed. Chances of encountering 25