Page 29 - The Barefoot Guide Catalogue (2018)
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Vacation Rental Management Family TRADITIONS
MADE EASY Families come in all shapes and sizes and no matter how you define the spirit of “Tradition” on Emerald Isle. The winning entries can be
your family, one thing is certain — nothing is more important in
viewed in their entirety on our website at www.EIRFamilyTraditions.
our lives than those we love. Family vacations are to be treasured
because they allow us time to slow down and just be together, com. We invite all of our Emerald Isle Realty guests to enter. First
prize is a free one-week vacation on Emerald Isle during our Islander
surrounded by the ones we love. Thanks to all of you who submitted or Sports season! See our website for submission information:
an entry for our annual contest. We received numerous, outstanding
entries and have chosen a winning family who this year captures
For the last 22 years, I told are old. The tradition is contagious and is now passed precious memories throughout the years. My Aunt
everyone that my favorite down to them, as it is now their favorite place too! could tell a story about how her wedding was almost
place is in North Carolina. We play mini-golf, ride the race cars, cruise on jet-skis cancelled due to Hurricane Fran, but how the whole
Not the Outer Banks that and play games at the pool. We kayak and paddle family fought to make it down anyway. The beach
most people go to, but board in the sound while looking for nature’s beautiful houses in Emerald Isle are our gathering spot where
a special place a little creatures all around. We learn about North Carolina’s we come from Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
more south and tucked precious landscapes and animals at the aquarium. Texas and Tennessee. Our week together is full
YOUR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS away. This place has the most beautiful, clean and We soak up the sun, swim, and play along the beach. of swimming, shopping, nightly meals and games.
Jason Voelpel, Chief Marketing Officer, Matt Weinberg, IT Director, Chris Vandiford, Director of Maintenance, Michele Barlow, Director of Housekeeping, Sabrina Hylton,
Director of Guest Services, Wendy O’Donohue, Controller, Janet Provost, Director of Long Term Property Management, Linda Wood, Executive Administrative Assistant, peaceful beaches that are never crowded and always We take naps while listening to the waves crash We sing karaoke, go on neighborhood scavenger
Katrina Brienza, Reservation Sales Manager, Kelly Nicholson, Director of Homeowner Relations, Krystal Bequette, Events Director, Mary Ann Barber, Director of welcoming. Many times, the water is so warm and with the refreshing ocean breeze. We feast on pig hunts, and really take the time to enjoy each other.
Homeowner Services, Allison Wax Carter, Property Manager, Nathan Wax, General Manager
calm like a bathtub, which makes it easy to float and pickin’s with hushpuppies and sweet tea. We cheer Unfortunately, life also is full of its hardships too.
EMERALD ISLE REALTY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT relax - leaving reality and its demands behind. This on fishermen with their latest catch at the piers. My stepmom and grandfather were both hospitalized
place is Emerald Isle, a hidden gem so full of precious Emerald Isle is our paradise, a precious time capsule this summer. My grandfather, who is one of the
For 56 years we have been helping families • Our accounting is accurate and fast with • Aggressive digital marketing campaigns on memories for all that visit. of memories. strongest, smartest, and caring men I know, cannot
and investors reach the goal of owning their direct bank deposits and online statements. top producing websites making it simple for When I was 12 my grandparents (and life-long While I thought I was just vacationing and filling up read due to a stroke this year. He continually
own home or investment on the Crystal Coast. • Emerald Isle Realty Vacation Planners are potential customers to locate Emerald Isle cheerleaders) decided to leave New Jersey and retire on the sunshine, I now realized that I was learning practices his letters and frustrates at his deteriorating
We understand this is a big step in life and our highly trained and incentivized to place the Realty and your property on the web. here at the beach. I cried when they moved 12 hours life lessons that would carry me through the years. health. He is always smiling and most happy
Emerald Isle Realty Management Team will right family into the right property. • We proudly print our 209 page Vacations away, as I hated to lose them. Visiting most all spring I learned to enjoy the beauty all around us while watching all his kids, grandkids and great grandkids
treat you with the utmost care while ensuring rental guide which circulates each year to breaks and summers quickly became a tradition. At reflecting and enjoying this life. I learned to be loving and being together at the beach house. In July,
you reach your revenue goals. We know the • The Vacation Rental Housekeeping over 50,000 families. the beach, we learned to collect seashells to make present and disconnect from distractions and rushed right before our planned family reunion, my stepmom
importance of homeowner confidence and Professionals and Maintenance Team Christmas ornaments and jewelry boxes. We learned schedules. I learned how to play golf and make passed at age 51. My dad, siblings, and whole family
want to be sure your experience is enjoyable, remain dedicated to exceptional service • Emerald Isle Realty is the leader in our to hunt ghost crabs by flashlight. We learned to ride spaghetti sauce with my Grandpa. I learned how to were devastated. But we came to the beach. We
profitable and convenient. and commitment to exceeding guest industry with consistent email marketing
expectations. Our “housekeeping guarantee” campaigns targeting qualified guests in the waves and bury each other in the sand. We learned cut french green beans, how to really listen to came to heal, to be with each other, and to soak up
THE BENEFITS OF assures your guests that their vacation right demographics to book your property. to slow down and enjoy the beauty in each other someone, and how to give and value unconditional the love. We came to make memories and carry on
love from my Mom-Mom. And that is why Emerald Isle
and all around us.
the tradition of being at our favorite place together.
WORKING WITH THE home selection will be in the best condition • Full time social media presence with will always be full of love. No matter what life throws at us, the beach is always
EMERALD ISLE REALTY possible. Our One-Fee Maintenance Plan is interactive promotions and giveaways. As the years passed, I always made time to visit my there waiting, listening, and giving us peace of mind.
PROFESSIONALS designed to save you worry and money. grandparents. It was my escape. So many memories This is my story, but the stories are infinite as four I am forever grateful for this vacation spot for it has
• Our company always has a huge presence fill the roads, beaches, shops and walkways. I shared generations of our family now gather here. Our whole
• A kind Customer Service Team dedicated to molded me into the woman, wife, mother, sister,
• The Homeowner Team is comprised of a solving guest frustration, if so encountered, in local and community events, supporting my first kiss and summer loves here. I brought family not only visits throughout the year, but gathers teacher, and friend I am today. It will always be our
group of professional property consultants and running interference between fishing tournaments and festivals all along friends and had family reunions. Many years later, my for Smetana-Rama Family Reunions every other most precious and cherished tradition!
constantly reviewing your revenue and departments to be sure each client is 100% the Crystal Coast. husband and I now bring our boys to Emerald Isle. At year. Just last month we had 40 of us at the beach
ensuring you maximize your investment and satisfied and returns to your beach property age 4 and 6, they have visited more times than they together. All of us have made and cherished our own Tamara Forte
The Smetana-Rama Families
optimize your rental potential. For a confidential Rental Analysis and
again and again.
• We partner with a nationally recognized • Marketing benefits to be sure your Projection on any property, please contact
our Homeowner Services Team by calling
Resort Rating System offering a investment receives maximum exposure and 800-354-2859 or email Homeowner@EIRealty.
comprehensive yearly review and detailed books to full capacity com. Professional Property Management with
report to our owners to help keep your outstanding results!
guests coming back to your investment. • Emerald Isle Realty has an award winning
website for outstanding design, content and
• You will have access 24/7 to your navigation which is continually updated to fit
confidential online homeowner account industry trends and remain user-friendly.
to view statements, work orders, guest
bookings, etc. 27