Page 4 - Winter 23/24
P. 4

    February 8, 2024
We are just past the first cross-quarter day of the year, the midpoint between the solstice and the equinox, and of course it’s nearly Valentine’s day. To the Celts it was called Imbolc, lambs’ milk, as it was the beginning of lambing season. It was also called Brigantia, after the Celtic female deity of light. Later it became Candlemas for the candles lit for the presentation of the Christ child in the temple of Jerusalem. So, at least in the northern latitudes, it’s about the coming of the light, fertility, and the beginning of the growing part of the year.
And of course, February 2nd, the cross-quarter day, is also Groundhog day, and for those familiar with the Bill Murray movie, there’s the theme of everything repeating itself over and over. And it surely feels this way in the world, this seemingly endless destruction, distrust, displacement, discomfort, disorder, disbelief, and so on. Repeating and repeating.
And so in addition to the changing seasons, the world as always needs prayer and positive energy. We hope to bring such positive energy this year from the IAVH, as we have a congress coming up April 20th and 21st at the Belvedere Resort or the beautiful coast in Izola, Slovenia.
Additionally, following upon our good connection to the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) at the 2023 meeting in Bogotá, we plan to arrange an associated meeting with the LMHI in Seville, Spain, in early October.
So please consider attending one or both events, in beautiful places and with the opportunity to learn more homeopathy and meet colleagues.
We are also continuing our Webinar series with a lecture on skin disease by Lise Hansen of Denmark, which will be February 18th but will be available as a recording for watching later if you like. As always, webinars are free to IAVH members. Education is something we always need, and these congresses and webinars give you opportunities to grow in your knowledge and practice. And please consider presenting a webinar also, a case report, a report on a remedy you’ve found helpful, rubric selection, or whatever feeds your homeopathic spirit.
And please consider as well providing cases or remedy pictures to the IAVH materia medica project. Finally, last but never least, the IAVH forum is always a great place to learn as well and to ask colleagues from all over the world about cases, remedies, and so on. The forum has been nicely active lately with good cases and great suggestions. If you are not a forum member, let us know and we’ll gladly add you to the list. You may email Lavra Kreacic, our office manager, at or me, to be added.
I hope everyone has a lovely change of season and that you remain healthy and safe so you can continue your important work as healers.
Don Hamilton
President, IAVH

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