Page 5 - Winter 23/24
P. 5

  I first met Bandit 5 months into his convent- ional treatment journey after allopathic medication had failed to help him (primarily injectable and oral steroids, one course of antibiotics and vitamin B12 injection).
He had presented initially with itchy eyelids at 14 months old and this had progressed to a dull faded coat, alopecia around the neck chin and lateral hocks and heavy white scale. He had literally changed from black and white to brown and white in colour.
He had tested negative for FIV and FeLV viruses, full biochemistry and a CBC showed mild inflammatory changes only and he had a very low toxoplasmosis titre unlikely to be significant.
I collected the following information whilst Bandit sat quietly on the examination table looking at the owner – he did not explore or move to be touched. Flinching with small noises.
Early history
He had been a rescue kitten, mother cat dumped when pregnant and the semi feral kittens had objects thrown at them. Was around 4-6 weeks when rescued and then fostered and passed from home to home.
He seemed different after castration. More tired, lethargic and moulting heavily. Really wanting food and then only eating a little, sometimes the
stomach looked bloated. The itchy eyes started one week after first annual booster vaccination.
He is moving and acting different. Walking quite stiff and rigid like the joints don’t move.
Also question his vision and smell = sometimes he can’t find treats and falling off things when walking along, like couldn’t control his feet.
One episode like a seizure – twitchy head then fell on the side and seemed blank a few seconds. Spin in tight circles and then fell over. He has a slight intension tremor.
He preferred cooler areas and shady spots. Sometimes his feet were sweaty and his whole body felt hot.
He is almost human, he doesn’t really act like a cat.
He will sit next to you = stare at you and watch. He doesn’t like to be by himself = screams to be let in if the door is closed to the bathroom. Follows owner everywhere. “This is my human, I’m OK with my human”
He wants to be around but not snuggled. He is sensitive to touch – flinches.
But he can also jump out and ambush you, swiping biting quickly and then darting away. Some- times he bites hard. Now if owner picks him up he will bite or swipe. Didn’t use to be like this.
At night he will jump on the bed and smack you in the face with his paw – this is gentle. More passive aggressive to get a reaction. Bite once and then sit back “what are you going to do?”
   continued on p4
 Bandit – itchy eyes for starters By Wendy Dixon, New Zealand

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