Page 7 - Winter 23/24
P. 7

 Still sucking soft things like fleece – strong drive, almost aggressive with it and does it quite a while. Sometimes goes to sleep with blanket in his mouth like comforter or pacifier. Skin – use to run if try to touch him and now not sensitive to touch or wincing.
I asked – if Bandit was not a cat, what animal would he be?
Reply: “A dog: he checks things out in the car, head out the window. Feel the wind in his face, more curious. Wants to see what’s new and have an adventure. Just seeing things, follow down the street, visual stimulation. Cats don’t cope with the car. He has never tried to leap out the window. I think if he could bark he would be fine. He would chase off the courier”.
Thinking back to the first consult this makes sense – the chasing people off the property and out the gate, the growling. All very dog like.
(22.3.21) 20 days since lac fel new prescription:
I should have listened to the owner from the beginning when she said he was not a cat.
Px Lac can 200c BID 3 days + Sarcolactic acid 12x BID
Lac can symptoms
• Lack of cerebral cohesion, brain dysfunction.
• Can be dictatorial, overbearing and dominant.
• Total exhaustion – too tired to even turn in bed.
Chronic viral fatigue.
• Sucking and strong desire to be loved.
• Ailments from abuse.
• Hates touch if his own skin. Sensation of crawling
• Bran like desquamation of skin.
• Aching pains in limbs and back, legs feel numb and stiff.
• < touch. > open air.
Sarcolactic acid symptoms (produced in muscle tissue during stage of muscle exhaustion).
• Tired feeling with muscle prostration < any exercise.
• Stiffness in calves and thighs
• Sequelae of infections or physical overexertion (“like he
has been running for his life”).
(7.5.21) 6 weeks after lac can
Px Lac can 200c. Single split dose + continue Sarcolactic acid 12x BID
July 21
Doing well, still the odd pot belly tummy. Coat is getting darker and behaviour more settled.
Sept 21
Seen by a colleague for general check over – skin and coat looks normal and has been well.
He is much better, coat softer and not seeing any dandruff. Not feeling hot to touch. The coat is still faded and brown. Seeks a lot of heat now – not seeking cool anymore.
He is eating quite a lot now – constantly hungry – he doesn’t want any of the natural diet – he wants the kibble. Vision thing is the same, still slight intension tremor = “think that may just be him”
The stiff walking did settle down – getting more active. He is being active and hunting mice. Feel about 90-95%better with joints. Maybe a little sign after sleeping.
More chilled about noises.
Have been taking him around town in a push bike with a double harness on. When we stop he will have a little wander then then get back in again.
For a month after the remedy he seemed to chill out – would have more snuggles and ambushing was playful – a light tap.
Just in the last few weeks he has been attacking again = biting hard and drawing blood. When tell him off afterwards he will love you again. Will fix you with a stare – no warning growl. Most of the time its unpredictable. Some ambushing. Will chase the owner around the property as a game.

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