Page 9 - Winter 23/24
P. 9

swelling had enlarged and hardened quite a bit and she was even more painful to the touch. Lara laid down immediately. Inside of the mouth was no swelling so I could keep a clear head to decide the therapy.
There were no extraordinary symptoms, so my first remedy was vipera berus – the adder itself. I would call this an isopathic therapy with a homeopathic remedy. I only had C200 what seemed perfect to me for this acute situation. The dog got 3 pills in the left cheek. 10 minutes later she seemed to be a bit more relaxed but the swelling was still growing, so I added 3 pills C200 of her constitutional remedy, which is Passer domesticus, the common sparrow , another animal kingdom remedy.
I do not think it is a good idea to give 2 remedies at the same time but within 10 minutes the information of the homeopathic medicine is working already and if needed, in this case the growing swelling indicates this, the consti- tutional remedy – if you know it for sure – can be added.
Why did I give the isopatic remedy vipera first and not the constitutional remedy? If I would not have been sure about the species of the snake, I would administer first the constitutional remedy and after this (if needed) the local remedy (like vipera, lach, apis, vespa, aconite...) chosen according to specific individual symptoms.
In Lara’s case the local symptoms fitted very well to the symptoms after a bite of vipera and she showed a keynote of vipera berus as well: she wanted the head to be lying high up. Vipera bites are extremely painful immediately especially when touched. I had 2 cases of horses with hoof abscess, which put the affected leg on an elevated place which gave them relief of the pain.
For the next hour Lara was lying quietly with her head elevated but with no raised temperature. Her breathing was a bit quicker than normal. I repeated the vipera berus C200 after about 1 hour and every 30 minutes we put a few drops of Dr. Bachs Rescue remedy on the skin of the lip as it helps against the itching and local pain.
Shortly after the second dose of vipera berus C200 she changed her position to lying on the chest and wanted to be cuddled. The swelling had decreased about 20% and the pain seemed better.
Already 5 hours after the bite she wanted to go out with us again and was very interested in the outside world again. We met a dog and she immediately started playing with him. The pain had reduced quite a lot. Temperature normal, appetite and thirst had returned.
No further repetition of the remedy was needed. Lara was nearly back to normal after less than 5 hours.
From the following day on, the swelling was nearly gone as
well, she could be touched on the face and behaved absolutely normal.
Normal recovery time after this type of intoxication is minimum 5 days up to 2 month, children and smaller animals can fall into a coma and die. Symptoms are more severe when bitten near the head. This shows the extremely good help of the homeopathic therapy.
For minor severe issues like mosquito bites or bee stings or an isopathic remedy (causing substance) in frequent repetition can ameliorate the situation a lot and support the recovery.
In severe cases the specific symptoms have to lead to an individual remedy decision of a situational homeopathic remedy. Depending on how perfect it covers the symptoms and the emotional situation it will help more or less quickly.
The most specific remedy of the totality of symptoms is the simillimum of the patient and therefore it helps in any case of illness. An acute problem is a good proof of how fitting a constitutional remedy is. If it does not help in local disease, I have some doubt if I have chosen the best constitutional remedy.
In a highly acute situation, the most rapid and secure therapy can be a combination of the simillimum and the potentised agent that causes the illness (apis after bee sting, agua marina against diarrhoea from drinking seawater, ...). It helps for a quick amelioration of the local symptoms, restoring health and as well as prevention of chronic consequences.
Latest update on this case in Spring issue.

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