Page 8 - Winter 23/24
P. 8

Venomous Snake Bite in a dog cured within 5 hours By Stefan Kohlrausch, Spain
 my dog I was unsure if she really got bitten or if she just got frightened by a feint attack. But 5 minutes later Lara became a bit less forward as she usually is on walks.
 ----On 11th of august 2022 we have been walking with our 20-month-old Breton bitch Lara in the countryside in Finland. She was on the lead and took a close look into a bush of blueberries on top of a small anthill, because something was moving there. A moment later she jumped back screaming. Immediately I could see a black-grey crossed viper (common adder) looking out of the bush observing Lara’s movements.
Very unusual for this kind of snake was for me that she absolutely didn’t go away. While I was taking photos and videos of her from a distance of about 1 meter she came repeatedly in my direction and made sibilant sounds warning me not to come nearer. Normally they bite once and disappear.
As I could not see any bitemarks or bleeding on the face of
Another 2 minutes later the right upper lip started to swell. -When I touched the swelling, she screamed and did not let me touch her head to look closer. Her activity decreased even more.
So I was sure she had been bitten and taking into consideration the aggressive behaviour of the adder, the amount of injected venom might have been a full dose which can be life-threatening for a dog of 16kg.
I decided to return immediately to the car where I always have 2 cases with 180 different homeopathic remedies. Lara managed to walk the 10 minutes back but the

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