Page 24 - Layout 1
P. 24
continued from page 21
How does he react in case of danger? He goes away from his brothers when they were playing rough, he warns his owner at night and goes back to bed, but would protect the mother in case of danger.
This translates into: ‘’protect me when I am frightened, when I am not frightened sort it out yourself.’’
Fear of dark, fear of people, learning difficult (used rubric slow learning to talk). Learning slowly is a clear characteristic of this dog. He is also needy but at the same time refuses protection which was clearly expressed by the owner.
Caust 200K one dose
Follow up:
The eczema went away. He became more confident.
Some of the rubrics one can use for ‘slow learning’: • Mind,talking,slowlearning
• Gen,walking,learningto,late
• Mind,Mentalexertion,agg,impossible
• Mind,Write,Inabilityto
• Mind, Dullness, questions, does not understand, only
after repeating
• Mind,Dullnesswithanxiety(completerep) • Mind,Dullness,think,unable
• Mind,Slowness
Notes on Causticum:
Causticum is known to have many fears but this dog only has few fears. But his owner keeps repeating that he has fears. Through learning he has surmounted his fear of the dark, just his fear of people persists. Junior does not appear to be a typical ‘always fearful’ Causticum. I have several similar Causticum cases.
My understanding of this remedy comes from the work of Guy Loutan : ‘ ... Causticum perceives its need for protection from slavery and humiliation. He wants to stand up for himself and for the others. He suppresses the need to be defended: being protected is being a slave.’’ To bring this together one can use the phrase which shows his egoistic side: ‘’ wants for the others what he would like for himself : companionship, protection, precautions.’’ (AFADH, France).
The theme of protection appears central to Causticum. His compassion is a consequence of this. Hence this compassion is not always present in all cases. The theme of protection is essential for Causticum even when the desire to be protected is accompanied by the refusal to protect other(s).
Observation by E De Beukelaer: these notes on Causticum seem confusing. I tried to translate what the author wrote as correctly as possible. I think this is the confusion of Causticum: fears, wants to look after himself, would really like help but being helped is like a humiliation and sign of dependence, will help others (to hide its own fears) but is not really that brave. Projects his own fears on the others.
Fido’s prostatitis. (Pierre Froment, France)
He is a large, yellow dog of about 10 years old. He looked for refuge at the owner’s house when he was about two
years old. He is kind, sweet but wary. It was said that he had been hit by a piece of wood when he was young. It looks indeed like he has an abnormal shaped vertebra.
Sept 98: I was called to see him for urinary problems and constipation. Diagnosis, prostatitis, he received a hormone injection for his prostate.
Three weeks later, he relapses. In the first minutes of the consultation the owner tells me the following:
‘’What is strange is that he cannot urinate standing up. He has to lie down to pass a few drops of urine. When he sleeps, his left hind leg keeps moving laterally left to right and his head shudders: it goes from his lips, to his right side and ear.’
The vet writes in his notes: muscle jerking on the head as in distemper.
• Bladder, urination, urging to urinate, ineffectual, standing, passes urine and stool involuntary when sitting