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P. 26

Dear all,
The time of the pandemic shows the true nature of people. The pandemic points to shortcomings in a person's relationship with himself, with others and with humanity as a whole. It must be understood that returning to ‘normal life’ may not be the case anymore. But that doesn’t mean stopping, it means adjusting our life style.
Gradually we will have to return to everyday life. How will it be done? Will we have learned something essential, or will we continue the modern man's hurried circle dance?
Some of us, working remotely during this time, have significantly reduced the amount of work and practiced social distancing very well. However, I think most of us have continued the face-to-face consultations. Many veterinary practices are as busy as before the pandemic, if not even busier. Veterinary clinics have a huge influx of highly demanding customers. These are often animal guardians, who now have the free time to finally see their pets. Animal guardians are now overwhelmed with care of their animal and often transfer their stress to veterinarians and veterinary clinic staff.
In addition, the veterinarians have to deal with the pandemic restrictions – disinfection, distancing, use of masks, etc. This can generally lead to tough working conditions and exhaustion.
Also social distancing may bring psychological loneliness and feeling of fatigue. Such mixed stressful feelings probably arise because human activity has caused damage to the entire natural biological system.
Above the natural biological system are only human thoughts and his intentions. Our mutual relations have long been out of balance, our different values are not combined in one model. But we are all part of one balanced system, and we are all closely connected to each other, no matter where we come from on this globe.
We must learn to find a balance in everything, and I believe that homeopathy, with its philosophy, can be one method, which can help heal individuals and communities and create a healing bond between nature and man.
In the Baltic countries, where I come from, people have always had a close connection with nature. In the Northern Hemisphere the summer solstice is time to connect with nature. This is the moment of the year when the original unity of nature is revealed in complete beauty, compatibility, harmony, and we can be part of this mystery. The Solstice night is a time when we can harmonize and balance our body and mind and blend in with the world to draw strength for a new year’s harvest. Ilze
IAVH President’s letter

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