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 • Extremities,motion,sleepduring • Face,tics,rightside
Causticum 200K one dose. Causticum 10M one dose 5 months later
3 years later: he is fine. He has a slight enlarged prostate but there are no issues.
This case helped me to discover Causticum and helped me resolve a few other cases.
• A case of distemper with paralysis. The dog was having tics and tremors all over the right side of the body and right-fore leg.
• A herd of goats suffering with poor rumination, constipation, lung disease, suffocating cough (‘’as if something had stung them’’), nervous behaviour with paresis. ‘’I have the feeling they are drunk’’ said the farmer. This was a case of chronic listeriosis. One dose
• A Charolais calf with congenital contraction of the flexor tendons of the forelegs. Resulting in a spectacular cure without the need for physio etc.
Notes on Causticum:
Eric Delenes, referring to the preparation process of Causticum, wrote the following ‘’Causticum has suffered it all before even been born.’’
Additional notes:
Beatrice Milleder
Very dry; very stiff. Likes to stand under desks. (saw this in several Causticum dogs). Owners tell me that they love to go out in the rain (especially in advanced cases) Strict. Likes to defend others.
A lot of abuse, also sexual. Fits a lot of rescue dogs and cats. Unfairness - often related to the abuse and rescue
Young Causticums often a lot like Phos, very alive, very much in the middle of things
Stretching all the time - more than others. Cats often have problems with change
Peter Gregory
Right-sided facial paralysis
Chronic atrophic myositis of temporal muscles
Chronic but intermittent hacking cough in old dogs as if dislodging mucus from larynx
Old arthritic patients who liven up in cold, frosty weather – ‘acts like a puppy’
Weakness of hind legs due to pathology of the vertebrae e.g. arthritis, spondylosis. Stool seems to ‘slip out unnoticed’ in the house; also dribbling urine – in such patients Causticum can be life saving!
Tendency to stumble on forelegs
May become protective of family /children after bereavement or divorce.
   Note before the article
Dear All. This is a short text I use to argue for the need to opening the views of those, who only know modern medicine. Hence it is destined at people, who have no idea about CAM etc.
You can use it, or parts of it, for your own purposes, if you like. Note that some messages in there also concern the homeopathic community. Even though the homeopathic model of health and disease may well be extremely good, we always have to remember it is also just a model and therefore not always applicable to everything. Edward
Plurality in medicine
The starting question of this short examination of plurality in medicine is: what model (or models) of medicine do we want to embrace to look for solutions? (Conventional medicine is just a model of approaching illness and disease, whereas science is a way of testing hypotheses.) To illustrate the issues relating to ‘models of complicated systems’ (such as a living being) I would like to refer to, how John Gribbing in his book ‘Schrodinger Kittens’ explains, how nobody really fully understands quantum
physics. He explains (and shows) that there are several different models of quantum physics. Each of these successfully help scientists to set up certain experiments or use quantum physics to make calculations for ‘every day use’. Each model has its preference with different scientists; each is capable of explaining some aspect of quantum physics for certain purposes. He also explains how there are different groups of scientists arguing about having the right view or best model. I consider it fair to assume that although we know a lot about disease and medicine, we have only a partial understanding of life: how it works etc.

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