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                                                                                                     We can do fantastic things with modern medicine: especially in acute circumstances. When it comes to the more chronic issues there is a lack of possibilities in modern medicine. To support this argument, I will cite a few scientists here:
1. Wayne Jonas published a book based on his experience as a doctor and researcher, titled ’How healing works’. He writes: ’’While we improved our science and certainty for managing acute disease, we sacrificed what most people value about life and lost how healing works in chronic illness. Our improvements in health waned. Cost of medical care soared. The value of the mechanical reductionist model has reached its limits”.
2. From his research, Iain McGlichrist (The master and his Emissary) came to a similar conclusion ; that the reductionist approach of medicine is too limiting. He goes as far as to say: ’’It is significant that the ’normal’ scientific materialist view of the body is similar to that found in schizophrenia’’.
3. Paul Davies, after a career in theoretical physics, has for some time closely followed the latest in cancer research. In his book ’The Demon in the Machine’ he argues we should have a more ’information type of understanding’ of the living. He writes: ’’To bring life within the scope of physical law and to provide a sane basis for the reality of information as a fundamental entity in its own right, requires a radical reappraisal of the nature of physical law...’’
4. Another physicist, Paul Henry who participated in recent research showing there is a physical reality to homeopathic highly diluted medicines, writes in his blog: ’’More generally, considering that everything is entangled, a quantum mechanical thought is mandatory when considering living biological entities. This is the challenge facing any physician or biologist wishing to really heal people from disease.’’
These scientists bring a strong argument to look at (for) other models for approaching health and disease. (not just disease, but health and disease)
When we (who use alternative medicines) refer to other ways (such as alternative solutions for antibiotic treatment), we base ourselves on other models of how to approach health and disease. (each with their own advantages and disadvantages).
For instance, the way how this works in homeopathy is as follows: a successful remedy helps the patient to ‘re-
discover’ how to manage their health and how to restore a normal balance between the bacteria (which are around everywhere) and his/her homeostasis systems. The remedy ‘tells’ the patient how to respond to a ‘bacterial aggression’ in the most effective way (information technology type of medicine). The situation in which the bacteria could flourish easily, disappears and therefore the bacteria simply cannot retain their foothold (and disappear). (More research ‘how this happens’ is needed.)
The advantage is that this can be extremely effective (in
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