Page 17 - Winter 17
P. 17
Character: Demanding, “he wants to be the only one”, affectionate, licking all the time, attacking other dogs without previous threat or attacks from behind, premeditatedly; attentive and alert. He doesn t attack people. He won t eat if left alone. It is a “goop” dog.
Generals: He once stole and ate a chocolate cake, which provoked a terrible oedema in the head. ¶7He has many and varied desires (e.g. aversion to ham). He tries to not get wet when it rains and asks to be dried, when he comes back home. Snores during sleep.
Climate: Without particularities.
Clinical Observations:
He scratches (bites) preferably the back of the forelegs and base of the tail. He is in a very good general condition.
19/05/03: His skin is very good. After the remedy intake, he is more demanding and with a stronger character. Less obedient.
20/02/04: He was fine, until December (8 months since the first consultation) in 2003, when he began with diarrhoea, brown first, now bloody. He was medicated with anthelmintics, metronidazole, prednisolone and streptocarbocaftiazol, and diet.
A month before the diarrhoea started, his family went to Europe on vacations (sensation of abandonment?).
Physical Exam: very poor health, excessive flatulence, variable depositions in quantity and quality.
Prescription: Pulsatilla 30 CH every 3 hours + aloe vera gel + diet (rice, grated apple)
24/02/04: Faecal matter began to take form.
26/02/04: Ultrasound diagnosis: Intestinal Lymphosarcoma with involvement of all mesenteric lymph nodes.
Reasons why suppression occurs:
1. Tendency to prescribe “such remedy for such disease.” For example, for constipation Nux Vomica, Sulphur for skin conditions, Ignatia for grief, Staphysagria for mortification, Gelsemium for nervousness, etc., because the basic genetic code has been left aside.
2. Few homeopaths follow the Hering s law of cure.
3. Only those who find the constitutional simillimum can see the law of
4. The correct constitutional simillimum will never be found until the
cardinal principles of homeopathy are applied rigidly.
5. Even though, if the law of cure is followed, if we don t know, which organ is the most important or which is the least important, it is difficult to understand the meaning of the direction of the healing process (from
within outwards, etc).
1. Ham, aversion
2. Getting wet, agg + bath, aversion to
Auxiliary Symptoms: sociable, dependent, gets better in company.
First Prescription: Pulsatilla 200 CH, single dose.
1. Sometimes suppression occurs by giving the wrong constitutional remedy (Tyson case)
2. The most similar thing to healing is suppression. It is very important to know and apply Hering s law of cure, the symptoms that warn us and the miasmatic chart of suppression, in each case we treat. These three tools allow us to clearly differentiate, whether the patient is on the path of healing or suppression.
3. The importance of knowing the methodology of Dr. Prafull Vijayakar lies in being able to understand better the teachings of Master Hahnemann in the light of the current basic sciences, achieving a more holistic clinical comprehension, as well as knowledge more adapted to current science.
4. Now we really know, where we are standing in a clinical case. As we practice observing the Hering s law of cure, and when looking at the chart of suppression, we can predict, what will happen, when the remedy has been well chosen and when has is not.
5. We discovered that Hering s law of cure is scientific by being based on embryology. Thanks to his great power of observation, Dr. Hering, gained access to a universal law.
6.We understood that we should not be satisfied with the disappearance of symptoms (like conventional doctors are), but we must go beyond, accepting that many times the symptoms change, reaching deeper embryological layers.
7. Thanks to de Miasmatic Chart of suppression, prescription errors get more obvious and evident.
8. Discovering that many apparent cures, over time, were actually large suppressions. If we found a patient s remedy and the patient has been taking it, the patient should not generate more serious pathologies regarding to its location in the embryological plane. The chronic disease should retract; it mustn’t advance.
9. Perhaps pathologies of a lower grade or of the same level in the chart, could be presented, but if the patient was at level 1 and passed to a level 6 or 7, the remedy that the patient was taking did not help anything. It was partially or slightly similar. This is very difficult to recognise. It is always better to believe that we are magnificent homeopaths and that suppression does not exists, etc., but as the popular quote says: “The truth always hurts”.
Salunke,A.,Ambani,B.,Mehta,N,Jain,P,Desai.,S, Shah, V., Predictive Homeopathy, Basic Part. Ed. El Erial, Curitiba, 2003.
Vijayakar, P., Predictive Homeopathy, Part II, Theory of the Acute. Ed. El Erial, Curitiba, 2003.