Page 15 - Winter 17
P. 15

continued from p10
 Case 2
Food allergy in a young male Hovawart dog
Owner report:
“We got Yoshi at the age of nine weeks. We already have a 5-y-old Hovawart female dog. Yoshi was the smallest puppy in the litter, but he developed very well so I had to reduce the quantity of food. During his first year he had much trouble with conjunctivitis follicularis and a malposition of the eyelids. At the age of one year he weighed 47,9 kg, but he wasn t fat, only very large.
During his second year the dog broke down, had an extreme hair loss and his ears started itching. Later he showed a loss of appetite, sometimes vomited and had diarrhoea. An allergy test showed a sensibility towards beef, pork, lamb, duck, poultry, chicken, rabbit, milk, fish and cereals except oat. So the nutrition plan was very small, only deer, potatoes and rice was allowed.
In spite of the food change and a good appetite the dog didn t gain weight. His general condition was good, but his physical activity was low. And he lost more weight down to 40 kg. A parasitological test was negative for parasites and protozoa (Giardia). The coat was irregular and dull. In the ears there were small red pustules with brown discharge and itching. The stool was dry and like egg-shaped lumps.
An examination in the animal hospital of the university in Leipzig showed no significant results.
In September 2015 we began to treat the
dog with potentised auto-blood/auto-urine nosodes.
During the first three weeks he got Calc-c D12 because of his complaints in the ears.
We administered the remedy as prescribed. After the second administered D9 our dog showed a reaction. He seemed to be tired and without appetite. Therefore he immediately got the potency D 11 every 6 or 7 days. After 6 weeks we were back to a five- day interval. Our dog became more and more healthy. First the pustules and the itching disappeared and he had gained 1 kg.
But when we had reached the 5th potency there was a very severe aggravation, worse than the first time. Diarrhoea, apathy, loss of appetite and weight followed. The same procedure started again: two steps back and start from D7. The general condition improved more and more. He became more agile; no sign of complaints of the gastrointestinal tract and the coat was beautiful and shiny. This treatment was administered over eight months. Because deer meat was scarce due to the seasonal influences we occasionally fed him with goat, duck, milk and cheese. There was no aggravation, especially in the consistency of the faeces.
During the summer a slight itching of his ears and a very moderate hair loss returned. The coat was dull and our dog weighed 43 kg. Our conclusion is a local and general amelioration. We hope the second treatment with these nosodes will provide further improvement.
 “At the age of 1 1⁄2 years and at the beginning of the warm season, Lenny got big skin eruptions up to a two Euro coin size dispersed over the whole body. Because of his long hair we didn’t immediately recommend the eruptions. The local points were wet, itching and covered with scurf. The dog was very restless and lost weight. He lost hair and had a dull coat.
The veterinarian diagnosed “hot spots”. He prescribed ointments and tablets and injected antibiotics. One week later the eruption had decreased, but two months later the dog got the same disease as before. Again the vet prescribed ointments, tablets and antibiotics. When the days became colder, the dog didn t get any more eruptions.
In springtime the same scenario repeated itself. A long time ago we heard of a homeopathic treatment by Dr. Hornig.
When presenting the dog in his practice Dr. Hornig told us about the advantage of auto-blood/auto-urine nosodes. The biggest problem at home, however, was getting the urine.
The treatment lasted for several weeks. It was very simple to administer the remedy on the food. The instruction had been clear and useful. The following springtime we repeated the procedure.
Since then our dog hasn’t had any more eruptions. The coat is glossy and dense. The dog is balanced.

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