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After having practiced homeopathic medicine in companion animals for more than 26 years, I have been able to prove that homeopathic and allopathic suppression is not a theory but a reality that can be seen, if we have the knowledge of the laws of cure and symptoms that warn us.
Monitoring the progress of patients has been easier for me, thanks to the valuable contribution of Dr. Prafull Vijayakar (India), creator of the miasmatic chart of suppression, who based on embryology, verified scientifically the true fullness of suppression.
Key Words
Homeopathic Suppression, Miasmatic Chart of Suppression, Warning Symptoms
To truly understand the evolution of the patient, after the chosen remedy acted, three basic tools are needed:
• After the prescription ... What happens?
• Isthepatientundertheprocessofhealing?Thisisthemostdangerous
aspect of each treatment.
• “Thingsarenotwhattheyseem...”.“Noteverythingthatdisappearsis
1. KNOW HERING S AND KENT’S LAWS (no explanation required)
• How is its energy? Is the patient weaker or more tired.
• How is its character? Is it more hypersensitive, irritable, aggressive,
• How is its activity? (Wanting to walk? Play?). Is not performing its daily
• Appetite? Is it decreasing or eating compulsively.
• Defecation? Is defecating less frequently or constipated.
• Weight? Being in Psora its weight increased or being in Sycosis its
weight decreased markedly.
• Hair? Its hair is falling out or is dull.
• Sleep? Is not getting enough sleep or is having a restless sleep
None of the results discussed above are considered good homeopathic symptoms and it is possible that our patient is walking through the path of SUPPRESSION!
There must be a mathematical relationship between the general and mental symptoms.
Dr, Prafull Vijayakar based on his experience of over 30 years and his exhaustive knowledge in human physiology, embryology, genetics and biochemistry, formulated his famous Chart:
Chart of the 7 levels of suppression. For this work, he received the “Scientific Award of Vidyeshawari Prathistan” in 1998.
Thanks to his deep study of embryology, biochemistry and genetics, Hering’s law of cures explained in the light of modern science, thus allowing us to understand more broadly the concept of healing and suppression of diseases.
The Chart of suppression allows us to know the status of the patient, when it aggravates and gets suppressed or when it gets better, following the law of cure.
• In the chart, you can locate the reason of consultation. This way it will be easier to observe the evolution of the different pathologies.
• You can know the hierarchy (importance) of the organs (deeper, shallower), depending on the germ layer (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) to which it belongs.
• Youcanunderstandwhatismoreimportantandwhatislessimportant in the healing law; what is going inward, what is going outward.
• The Chart allows the visualization of the chronology of development of
natural diseases of human and animal species.
• It allows the observation of the sequence of the medical history of the
• You can know the miasmatic evolution, starting from the Psora as
primary defence mechanism, then Sycosis (constructive defence mechanism) to finally reach the Syphilis (destructive defence mechanism).
In Veterinary Homeopathy it is more difficult to really know, how the patient feels and what exactly happens to our patient; for this reason some warning signs go unnoticed. This can lead to suppression more easily in the animal patient than the human patient.
Patient’s name: ‘Tyson’ Species: Canine Breed: Rottweiler
Sex: Male.
Age: 6 years.
Reason for Consultation (15/04/03):
Allergic dermatitis.
Obstacles to healing: unsuitable habitat (department), insufficient recreation.
continued opposite
  Healing or Suppression? – Warning Symptoms by Carolina Gomez, Argentina

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