Page 4 - Winter 18
P. 4

  HomeopathyOne –
   Lise Hansen reports on HomeopathyOne – the launch of a new movement to change the face of homeopathy
The Merging of Methods conference was not just a conference – it was the launch of HomeopathyOne, a movement for unity in homeopathy. You are all invited to
  join – check out
Homeopathy is becoming a force to be reckoned with. As is evident in the current political situation in many countries, homeopaths have finally become a perceived threat to the established systems that are consequently lashing out.
Another sign of the changing of the times is the maturity gained by the homeopathic community. We are growing up, coming together and putting old squabbles behind us. This was displayed by the first HomeopathyOne confer- ence, Merging of Methods that was held in Bruges, Belgium in October 2017.
HomeopathyOne was not just another homeopathic con- ference. It represents a momentous step forward for Homeopathy. The organisers Frederik Schroyens and Rajan Sankaran were very clear from the first announce- ments that this was the launch of a bold and important movement – a coming together of the homeopathic com- munity, putting away egos to meet and constructively share methods and experiences in order to demonstrate unity and bring homeopathy forward. It is, in the words of Schroyens and Sankaran themselves, a historic endeavor.
Medics contra non-medics, graduates of one school opposed to those from another, declaring oneself as a fol- lower of one homeopathic master or one homeopathic method to the exclusion of all others. It has certainly been the way of homeopaths to focus on the differences between
and to stay divided into factions. Most homeopathic semi- nars that I have attended over the years have consisted of a single teacher (read guru) teaching (dare I say preaching) to the assembled, and let's be honest, sometimes offering a few disparaging comments about other methods or teachers.
On my way to Bruges for the first HomeopathyOne confer- ence, I was very aware that whatever was coming, this was not going to be just another seminar. My thoughts were, that either the teachers were going to be too polite for con- structive dialogue or the place was going to erupt from too many egos, used to center stage and uncritical followers, unable to yield to each other or even to be in the same room. To be perfectly honest, I did think that whatever happens, this is homeopathic history in the making, and if it ends in a cockfight, well, at least I can say I was there!
The format of the conference was this:
8 of the world's most prominent homeopathic teachers were invited to attend on the clear premise that they were there to listen to and discuss other methods as much as to present their own. All the teachers were lined up in front of the stage and had to commit to being present for the dura- tion. No one was allowed to do their bit on stage and slip out. Every teacher was allocated 90 minutes to speak on their method of homeopathic practice followed by discus- sion, where the other teachers were asked to comment. This took up the first two days.

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