Page 4 - Summer 24
P. 4

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The social events of course are also important occasions, and I hope to see many of you at the informal social event on Friday evening or the gala dinner on Saturday. Tickets are available for both at the time of writing. These events are a great opportunity for members to catch up and to welcome newer members to our incredibly friendly and supportive organisation. And who could resist a chance to explore the wonderful historic city of Edinburgh.
I’ve been introduced to a podcast by an Australian homeopath recently, and see a number of members have been interviewed. Thank you for giving your time to spread the word! There is a lot of interesting discussion from a huge range of homoeopaths as well as good, accessible material to support clients’ understanding of homoeopathy, too, so it’s well worth a listen.
A reminder that I’m very keen to arrange very short video calls to meet members, and, if you want, a short interview that we can share on social media to promote your business. The more awareness we can create of what we have to offer, the stronger we stand together. Look out for emails from – no obligation at all to participate in a video to share, but I really would like to have a chat with members and hear your hopes and ideas for our organisation. As with every membership organisation, we rely on members’ participation to flourish and grow.
 “The more awareness we can create of what we have to offer, the stronger we stand together

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