Page 5 - Summer 24
P. 5

    The International
Veterinary Homeopathy Congress 20-21 April 2024
Multifaceted Homeopathy – The importance of a holistic approach
Belvedere Resort, Izola, Slovenia • Report by Malene Jorgensen & Peter Gregory
For those of us who had never been to Slovenia, this was the opportunity to see a bit of the beautiful country and spend some time holidaying with spa facilities and – for the most – warm sunshine.
Veterinary homeopaths were set to meet each other in Izola, where our general secretary in the IAVH, Mirjam Blatnik, had worked very hard to organise a congress in co-operation with the local organisation, SVHD. And it was a success!!
We started on Friday 19th April with the annual IAVH AGM, where we again had Zoom
connection to the board
members who sadly
couldn’t be there in person. In the evening there was a Meet & Greet event and dinner with everybody. Some had challenged a blizzard (!) in the mountains on their way from Ljubljana, but luckily everybody arrived safely.
The formal congress started on
Saturday with an opening address
from Mirjam Blatnik, president of the
SVHD and IAVH president Don Hamilton. Next, we heard Carolina Gonzales Gomez, from Argentina, talk about the Flowering plant tables
devised by Michal Yakir, a new tool to achieve the Simillimum. The system is based on the botanical classification of Arthur John Cronquist. Michal discovered that the evolution of plants runs parallel to human evolution at all stages, and she created a table of 6 columns and 9 rows (dicots). It is a very
intricate system and much too big to fit into a couple of hours, so Carolina had chosen to talk about column 1 (Magnolidae), where she described the specific characteristics of this plant family and the column in general. She then had some cases which illustrated the system and the remedies in the column beautifully. We were encouraged to buy the book and the table for further study. In the last issue of the Mag you can read more about this intriguing system.
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