Page 14 - Summer 22
P. 14

continued from page 11
this astonishing and a great confirmation of the validity of potentisation and its effect upon our Vital Force.
The process only takes a few hours, and in my opinion is a valid and very useful insight into the essence of a remedy.
Who Will This Remedy Be Useful For?
I originally wanted this remedy for farm work. However, I think it will be a remedy much needed by people, particularly at this time of environmental and climate crises. Possibly particularly useful for the syndromes named climate grief and eco-anxiety, Obviously, many of our patients might experience their state as a dead end, no way out, loss of culture or similar themes.
The Essence of the Proving
I start with the essence, so that if you wish, you need not read further! I feel this included themes of extinction and a genetic dead end.
• Huge sadness and fear because: I am the last of my kind; terror like being hunted; panic; extinction looms; impending disaster; broken glass; old and dry; irreversible; heavy; sucked into a hole or vacuum; ancient wisdom and culture is lost; disconnection from nature; destruction of nature; death of nature; darkness is coming; there is no returning; stuck in time; everything is moving fast through time and I am stuck; going back in time; fixed; a dead end; trapped; sacrifice, cold.
• The polarity is: Oneness, presence, the now, flowing, water, waves, freedom, peace, green, expansiveness, travelling; ultimate knowledge, the beauty of nature.
Triticum vulgare
I immediately saw the parallel to the remedy wheat. This
has rubrics invoking a natural garden of Eden, possibly the state of our hunter-gatherer ancestors? However, it has the polarity of nuclear war, death of children, Armageddon, want and a feeling of being unloved by those closest to you.
It is interesting that wheat and cattle are two of humanities most ‘tamed’ organisms.
I would suggest that the energy of Chillingham wild cattle (CWC) is radioactive. Ancientness, global issues, destruction, genetic dead end, isolation, heaviness and the image of broken glass may indicate this. Hence the miasm is potentially syphilitic. However, we need the successful use of the remedy in patients to confirm this.
The Meditative Proving 2022
Prover One
Panic, nausea, must get out. I am shaking and my heart is palpating.
Really intense, vibrating and frozen to the spot.
I can’t do anything, and I am trapped.
I am being chased and hunted and I want to hide but I must run.
I am threatened. I am in the open in the countryside. It is arid and there are few places to hide and if I leave them I will be exposed but if I stay hiding I will be caught and surrounded and held. Malevolent beings will trap me and I must run fast.
I am on my own – where is everyone? Everything has been destroyed and I am the only one left. That’s it – all has gone – whatever I am my ancient tribe has been destroyed.
I see forest devastation and fire like the Vikings who came to destroy the villages.
My whole world and my life are gone and whatever chases me is the new world, which is darker and has no connection to nature.
My culture has gone. This is a deep sadness, and I am in mourning.
Maybe if I could go away, I could rebuild and then that would be joy and peace. I must try to keep hope.
Prover Two
There is an animal’s eye low down and close. It is a creature that is crouching down, and it is ancient. Cold is descending.
The ancient creature has great wisdom, but it is going to be lost in the depths.
It is lost in history and become folklore (prover weeping). Oh shit, the creature is dark, and this is horror.
It is destroyed and bowed down and snarling, and it can’t decide whether to cower or to pounce, but it has no power. It is desperate.
Will it be attacked? This creature or this thing is being eked out. It is a creature.
Behind the eye there is so much more and that is what we should be connected to, which is beauty and important.
It has a dog like head and he’s beautiful.
I have a sharp sensation in my right ankle.
This is like an ending, and all is lost.
I have a feeling in my head like it wants to explode, and it is intense and sharp.
It is worse in the right temple, which is tender to touch. My head could expand and go up and out and it would be a release (hand gestures showing hands going from either side of the head out towards the sky).
I also saw two waves coming together and there was bubbles and sand and it was warm and tropical.
This was like the beauty that is not the dark creature.

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