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Tolle has some familiar things to say about the Vital Force:
You can feel the subtle energy field that pervades the entire body and gives vibrant life to every organ and every cell. You can feel it simultaneously in all parts of the body as a single field of energy.
He also realises the spirit which lies in inert substances which homeopaths incarnate through potentisation:
Even a stone has rudimentary consciousness otherwise it would not be and its atoms and molecules would disperse. Everything is alive. The sun, the earth, plants, animals, humans – all are expressions of consciousness in varying degrees – of consciousness manifesting as form. When you are in the now you will feel the essence of a tree, it’s inner spirit. There is a spirit that lives within every creature and everything.
He shares with Hahnemann the concept of contagious dynamic disease:
Most illnesses creep in when you are not present in the body – not in the now. If the master is not present in the house all kinds of shady characters will take up residence there. Being in the now not only strengthens your physical immune system; your psychic immune system is greatly enhanced as well. The latter protects you from the negative mental force fields of others, which are highly contagious.
He also sees disease arising from emotions such as grief, which Hahnemann felt was the major cause of the flare up of psora.
The emotional pain is the main cause of physical pain and physical disease. Resentment, hatred, self-pity, guilt, anger, depression and jealousy are all forms of pain.
Tolle realises that true cure is homeopathic – the disease state has to be experienced and accepted by the patient – which is what our consultation and remedy does (the
term ‘pain body’ may be interpreted as disease and is explained in more depth subsequently):
If you were truly conscious of this disease entity the pattern would dissolve. The pain body is actually afraid of the light of your consciousness. Its survival depends on your unconscious identification with it. If you don’t bring the light of your consciousness into the pain, you’ll be forced to relive it again and again. However, the moment you observe it, feel its energy field within you, and take your attention into it, the identification is broken. You are now the witness or the watcher of the pain body. This means that it cannot use you any more by pretending to be you. You have found your innermost strength. You have accessed the power of now.
As you listen to the entity you feel a conscious presence – your deeper self. The entity then loses its power over you and quickly subsides because you are no longer energizing it through identification with it.
Tolle realises that allopathy ultimately aggravates:
The harder the mind struggles to get rid of the pain, the greater the pain.
You cannot fight the pain body. Trying to do so causes inner conflict and further pain.
His idea of health sounds familiar:
Inhabiting the body protects you by raising the frequency vibration of your total energy field. Then anything that vibrates at a lower frequency, such as fear, anger, depression, and so on, now exists in what is virtually a different order of reality. It doesn’t enter into your field of consciousness anymore, or if it does we don’t need to offer any resistance to it because it passes right through you.
Tolle even recognises the healing crisis:
When you become a watcher of the pain body, it will continue to operate for a while. At this stage it may also create physical aches and pain in different parts of the body, but they won’t last.
When you awaken the pain body from its dormant state you may experience considerable turbulence in your inner space for a while, perhaps for several days. Just stay present. Through sustained attention and thus acceptance comes transmutation.
However, it was in my study of the ‘sensation method’ that I particularly saw parallels with Tolle. Sensation homeopathy focuses primarily on the sensation within the patient’s body, rather than on the story, emotions or mind. See how sensation case taking is confirmed by Tolle:
If you really want to know your mind, the body will always give you a truthful reflection so look at the emotion or rather feel it in your body. If there is an apparent conflict between them the thought will be the lie and the emotion the truth.
If you have difficulty feeling your emotions start by focusing attention on the inner energy field of your body. Feel the body from within.
When you can feel the inner body clearly as a single field of energy, let go of any visual image and focus exclusively on the feeling. Take your attention even more deeply into that feeling. Become one with it. Merge with the energy field.
Let me summarize the process. Focus attention on the feeling inside you. Know that is the pain body. Accept that it is there. Don’t judge or analyse. Stay present and continue to be the observer of what is happening inside you. This is the power of the now.
continued on p6

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