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The sensation method sees a ‘non-human song’ inhabiting our patient, conflicting with the ‘human song’ within. For me this confirmed my own feeling that disease is akin to possession. I first felt this 25 years ago when I had a dog in my surgery which was a cobra in dog form, even down to walking on its hind legs and bringing its head back to strike ‘just like a snake’ (owner’s words). It was as if the dog was possessed. Naja 10M brought a healing crisis and ‘exorcised’ the cobra.
Here is what Tolle says on the subject:
Every emotional pain that you experience leaves behind a residue of pain that lives on in you. It merges with the pain from the past and becomes lodged in your mind and body. This accumulated pain is a negative energy field which occupies your mind and body. If you look on it as an invisible entity in its own right, you are getting quite close to the truth. It is the emotional pain body. It has two modes of being – dormant and active. A pain body may be dormant 90% of the time, but in a deeply unhappy person, it may be active up to 100% of the time. Some people live almost entirely through their pain body, while others may experience it only in certain situations linked with past loss or abandonment. When you are confronted with this alien nasty creature for the first time, you’re in for quite a shock.
The pain body wants to survive, just like every other entity in existence, and it can only survive if it gets you to unconsciously identify with it. It can then become you and live through you. It needs to get its food through you. It’ll feed on any experience that creates further pain in whatever form. The pain body will create a situation in your life that reflects back its own energy frequency for it to feed on. Once the pain body has taken you over you
want more pain - you become a victim or perpetrator.
It is as if you are possessed without knowing it and you take the possessing entity to be yourself.
Anything can trigger it, particularly if it resonates with the pain pattern from your past. Some pain bodies are vicious and destructive monsters, true demons. Some are physically violent; many more are emotionally violent. Some will attack the people around you while others may attack you, their host. Illnesses is often created in this way.
The beginning of freedom is the realization they you are not the possessing entity – knowing this enables you to observe the entity. The moment you start watching it a high level of consciousness becomes activated.
Sankaran talks of ‘the levels’ in case taking, and in our patient’s experience. Sensation is level five, energy is level 6, and level 7 is the arena where the game is played. Tolle talks of a similar place – the unmanifested or silence. No sound can exist without silence – nothing without the empty space that enables it to be. There is more nothing than something. The solidity of matter is an illusion. Even our bodies are nearly 100% empty space. Even inside every atom is mostly empty space. What is left is more like a vibrational frequency than particles of solid matter. More like a musical note.
If the psoric has left the now, he is trapped in time. Psorinum is black type in the rubrics ‘anticipation’ and ‘ailments from anticipation’. Tolle echoes this; to be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time. This is the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation.
Tolle also agrees with the feeling of many homeopathic vets:
No other life form on the planet knows negativity except humans, just as no other life form violates and poisons the earth that sustains it. Have you ever seen an unhappy flower or stressed oak tree? Have you come across a depressed dolphin, a falcon that has a problem with self-esteem, a cat that cannot relax, or bird that carries hatred and resentment? The only animals that may experience something akin to negativity or show signs of neurotic behaviour are those that live in close contact with humans and so link to the human mind and its insanity.
Sankaran teaches that those needing a mineral remedy feel an incompleteness within themselves – a lack. Tolle appears to see this as the fundamental state of mankind; we seek liberation, from a deep-seated state of fear, and incompleteness is part of the human condition.
If you are dissatisfied with what you have got, or even frustrated or angry about your present lack, that may motivate you to become rich, but you will continue to experience the inner condition of lack and will continue to feel unfulfilled. There will always be an empty feeling.
An aspect of the emotional pain is a deep-seated sense of lack or incompleteness, of not being whole. This manifests as the constant feeling of not being worthy or good enough.
To conclude:
Tolle seems to concur with all homeopathic philosophy. His work is based on his own experience and the wisdom of the ages. Consequently, homeopathic methodology is confirmed. I postulate that a remedy homeopathically prescribed brings our patient closer to ‘the now’. Maybe this is the basis of all successful healing.

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