Page 14 - Sojourner Newsletter FALL 2022
P. 14
More and more secretaries are beginning to use (and appreciate) their new access to
the MMS database to update their Chapter members’ records. Thank you all for that -
it’s a great help in many ways. BUT, we had quite a few chapters fail to turn in a
Chapter Activity Report (CAR) that we use to update the information about their
chapter for the website as well as the Staff Directory. Most importantly, we want to
include WHERE and WHEN you meet so “sojourning Sojourners” in your area can
find out about your meetings and try to attend if they have an opening in their schedule.
But “we meet quarterly” or “we meet on the 1 Tuesday (with no time or place) really doesn’t help anyone
find you and try to attend. So, please, when you fill out your CAR for next year, please try to be more explicit
and detailed with regard to when and where you meet as a chapter. We KNOW that some chapters move
around, and that’s OK. In that case, we will note that and tell people to contact the President or Secretary for
specific meeting information. It’s going to take a bit of time for me and my one helper with editor credentials
to update some of the chapter information, so please be patient.
Some of you may have noticed that there was a recent phishing email purporting to be from our National
President, Denny Norris. We know HOW they got his information, and while we can’t delete that from
history, we can prevent it from happening again in a similar way, which we’ve done. So, be CAUTIOUS –
about any (ANY) emails from people who you appear to know asking for money, help, gift cards, or whatever.
Make sure it’s a legitimate request – call them or email them directly. DO NOT reply to the email message
though!!! Brothers, It’s only going to get worse as we near election season. So, CAVEAT EMPTOR!
We continue to fine tune the MMS capability and add more groups as necessary. Please understand, adding
some groups is quite complex and involved and will take some time to debug and set up – you have NO IDEA
just how complex that database really is until you start working with its internals.
Turning to our Website. Attention, WORDPRESS folks – and I KNOW that there are SOME OF YOU out
there – I need some help. Call it “consulting” if you must, but there are all sorts of tricks and spiffy ways to
do things in WORDPRESS, and I simply haven’t had the time to investigate some of the more sophisticated
things because my time has been devoted to helping the National Office with this MMS capability and the
CAR processing. Otherwise, if I can’t find or get any “help” reworking the site, all of you will just have to
suffer with what we have until I can figure out how to do some of the nicer things WORDPRESS can let us do.
– Bill Hickey, National Webmaster (
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