Page 3 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2024 Final1
P. 3
Volume 101, Issue 3 3
Uniformed Service: Carl J. Diamond enlisted the U.S. Navy in October 1976 retiring in October 1996 with
20 years of active duty. His assignments included Recruit Training Command in Orlando, FL (Oct 1976—Jan
1977) attaining rank of SM; Naval Submarine School in Groton, Connecticut (Jan 1977—Mar 1977); Sonar
Technician Submarines “A” School in San Diego, CA (Mar– May 1977), attaining the rank of PO3; USS
Whale SSN 638, in Groton, Connecticut (May 1977—Nov 1978) where he qualified in Submarine Warfare;
FLEASWTRACENPAC San Diego, California (Nov 1978 – Nov 1979), attending Sonar “C” School; USS
Jack SSN 605, Groton, CT (Nov 1979 – 1982) attaining the rank of PO2; FLEASWTRACENPAC San Diego,
California (May 1982 – Aug 1983), attending Sonar “C” School and attaining the rank of PO1; USS Jack SSN
605, Groton Connecticut (Aug 1983—Nov 1985) attaining the rank of CPO; FLEASWTRACENPAC San
Diego, CA, (Nov 1985—Nov 1988) as Senior Instructor Sonar “C” School; USS Scranton SSN 756, Norfolk,
VA (Nov 1988—May 1992) attaining rank of SCPO and Plank-owner status; and COMSUBRON SIX,
Norfolk, VA (May 1992—Oct 1996), Squadron Career Counselor. SCPO Carl J. Diamond retired in October
1996. During Carl’s 20-year Naval career, he attended schools of instruction for sonar, leadership, and
collateral duties to include the following: BE&E school, SSPP class “C” school, Command Career Counselor
School, BQQ-5 Advanced “C” school, CPO Leadership Management Training, Command Financial Specialist
Training, and Sonar Supervisor Course. His decorations include the Navy Commendation Medal, Achievement
Medal, and Unit Commendation Award; Good Conduct Medal (5), National Defense Medal, Sea Service
Deployment Ribbon, Expert Pistol Medal, and Enlisted Submarine Warfare Badge.
Masonic History: Brother Carl J. Diamond was raised in Warwick Lodge #336 in Newport News,
Virginia as courtesy work for Tyrian Lodge #508 in Sioux City, Iowa, on 30 Jun 1989. He is a life member of
Centennial Lodge #326 in Omaha, Nebraska, where he was Worshipful Master in 2004, 2007, 2010, 2014, and
2015, twice receiving the Ryan Award as Outstanding Mason. He also received the Masonic Achievement
Award from the Grand Lodge Nebraska in February 2011, the Gold Pan Award in 2015 and 2018, and was
DeMolay Mason of the Year in 2015. In Scottish Rite, he joined in 1990, is a life member, and a 32° in the
Valley of Omaha. In York Rite, he joined in 2006 and is a member of Omaha Chapter #1, RAM; Omaha
Council #1, R&SM; and Mt. Calvary Commandery #1, KT. In Shrine, he joined in 2015 and is a life member
of Tangier Shrine in Omaha, Nebraska.
National Sojourners® & Heroes of ‘76®: Brother SCPO Carl J. Diamond joined Omaha Chapter #19
on 12 May 2003 as an MIP and is currently an MMIP member of 15 other Chapters. He was made a Hero of
’76 on 12 Apr 2005 in Joseph Warren Camp. He served as Chapter President in 2008-09 and Camp
Commander in 2011-12. He has served as ROTC Award Committee Chairman (2004-15), Essay Contest
Committee Chairman (2009-13), Bridge of Light Committee Chairman (2016-Present), and Chapter Trustee.
At the National level, he became a National Officer in 2008 on the Committee of 33, where he served from
2008-2017 and as Chairman from 2014-17. During this period, he was a member of the Americanism
Committee (2008-09); Central Area Representative (2009-14) and Rocky Mountain Area Representative (2013
-14); National Historian for Heroes of ’76 (2010-11); Chairman of the Incentives and Awards Committee
(2010-14); and served as National Commander, Heroes of ’76 (2016-17). He also served on the Nominating
Committee (2014-22), and as a NASOCOCO Officer/Chairman (2017-22). For awards, SCPO Carl J.
Diamond received the Memphis Cup Award in 2013, Melvin. W. Byers Secretary of the Year, the Van
Deventer Trophy in 2022, and the Horton-Tourtillott Award in 2023. SCPO Carl J. Diamond officially became
National President two and a half months early on 31 March 2024, when Brother Charles E. Warren, 33°, laid
down his working tools. During the first three months of his term as National President, SCPO Carl J.
Diamond chartered two Chapters—Fort Stephenson-Firelands #571 and Mid-Ohio Valley #572 and was the
Keynote speaker at Florida Grand Lodge.
Brother Carl J. Diamond and his Lady and Grande Dame Carolyn live in Omaha, Nebraska.