Page 7 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2024 Final1
P. 7

Volume 101, Issue 3                                                                                       7

            National  Office  Upgrades  and  Improvements - We have upgraded our hardware and software used for
         front and back office elevate the workspace environment, promote productivity and take advantage
         of  newer  technology.  These  technological  upgrades  and  national  Office  improvements  have  enabled  us  to
         organize vast amounts of electronic data, papers and items accumulated over the last 100 years. We have also
         digitized  Chapter  records  that  have  been  stored  in  boxes  and  cabinets  for  multiple  decades.
         Additionally,  we  have  reviewed  hundreds  of  forms  utilized  since  the  1960’s  to  eliminate  those  that  are
         obsolete and superfluous and replace them with relevant and functional forms and processes that are more
         suitable to contemporary practices.
          NSI University – a future project I have in mind for our website. I envision having educational media and
         videos, management guides and “how-to” documents available for our members and Chapters to use for the
         benefit of themselves and National Sojourners. (need volunteers to help)
          Heather McGraw, Office Manager at the National Office, would like to ask the Chapter Secretaries to put
         your orders in NOW to replenish your ROTC supplies. Please don’t wait last minute or during the Holiday
         season. This not only helps us to fulfill your requests in a timely manner, but it also allows us to meet your

          Membership  applications (found on our website) is another item we can use your help. The applications
         will only be accepted if in DIGITAL FORMAT (fillable PDF) and EMAILED to HQ. Paper copies sent by
         USPS will be rejected. The same applies to the Chapter Annual Report (CAR). The CAR needs to be filled out
         digitally, using Microsoft  Excel  or Open Office, saved as  a SINGLE Excel  workbook, and attached to  an
         email, and sent to

          The staff informs me we still have not received CARs from the following Chapters:

                           LOUISIANE                      HAMILTON                    GEN H. ARNOLD
                            Chapter #33                   Chapter #277                  Chapter #524
                            DAYTON                     LAKE MICHIGAN                 GREEN MOUNTAIN
                            Chapter #67                   Chapter #289                  Chapter #527
                           FORT LEWIS                       MIAMI                  WAYNE W. GATEWOOD
                            Chapter #89                   Chapter #357                  Chapter #536

                           KENTUCKY                     MONTGOMERY               NORTH CENTRAL FLORIDA
                           Chapter #134                   Chapter #365                  Chapter #537
                       SOUTHERN ARIZONA                 ARROWHEAD                     ROGUE VALLEY
                           Chapter #273                   Chapter #421                  Chapter #538

                     CHARLES A. LINDBERGH             VENTURA COUNTY                    Chapter #539
                           Chapter #247
                                                          Chapter #494

                           STOCKTON                       HOUSTON                     ARKANSAS POST
                           Chapter #266                   Chapter #513                  Chapter #551

         Sincerely and fraternally,

         Mark W. Underwood
         National Secretary-Treasurer
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