Page 12 - Sojourner Newsletter-Summer 2024 Final1
P. 12
June 12, 2024
The National Commander, Brother Brian C. Coffey called the National Encampment to order at 1300 hours
on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. The National Chaplain, Brother R. Thomas Davies III, attended the Bible and
gave the opening prayer. All present were verified to be bonified members of the Heroic Order of the Heroes
of ’76® The National Lieutenants presented the Colors and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in
unison. Brother Geck then declared the National Encampment duly opened.
Brother Coffey gave opening remarks and thanked everyone for attending.
Brother Coffey introduced all Distinguished Heroes of ’76 present to include Commanders, Past Commanders,
Past National Commanders, Van Deventer Award recipients, and the National Officers.
Brother Coffey stated his report was published in the Annual Reports Document and moved his
annual report and the National Adjutant be accepted as printed. The motion was seconded and approved.
There was neither new nor old business to discuss or act upon.
Moving to the election of Officers for 2024-2025, Bro. Coffey called upon the Nominating Committee
Chairman for his report. Bro. Marty Schwebel, PNC, announced Brother Paul DeMerath, National Chief of
Staff, nomination for the office of National Commander; for National Chief of Staff, Bro. Peter Cauchon; for
National Assistant Chief of Staff, Bro. John Hillyer; and for National Officer of the Day, Bro. Louis Numkin..
The following National Officers of the Order of Heroes of ’76 were elected or appointed and will serve for
the ensuing year:
National Commander: Paul DeMerath Elected
National Chief of Staff: Peter Cauchon Elected
National Assistant Chief of Staff: John Hillyer III Elected
National Officer of the Day: Louis Numkin Elected
National Senior Lieutenant: Michael Johnstone Appointed
National Junior Lieutenant: Charles Odorizzi III Appointed
National Commander of the Guard: Jarrod Coffey Appointed
National Sentinel: Michael Schell Appointed
National Adjutant: Mark Underwood Appointed
National Chaplain: R. Thomas Davies III Appointed
National Judge Advocate: Martin Schwebel Appointed
National Assistant Judge Advocate: Adam Jaffe Appointed
National Surgeon: Bernard Harris Appointed
National Historian: Edward Nolte Appointed
National Musician: James Pugsley Appointed
Brother Charles J. Odorizzi was nominated and elected for a 3-year term to the Heroes Manual Committee
and Brother Paul DeMerath was elected to a 2-year term to the same. Following the election of officers,
Brother DeMerath made his appointments.
Following the election of officers for 2024-2025, the National Commander called upon the degree cast from
MG Samuel H. Parsons Camp, Heroes of ’76, to confer the Heroes of ’76 degree upon Brother Joshua Gilbert
Williams, Son-in-Law of National Commander, Bro. Brian Coffey.