Page 23 - Spring Sojourner Newsletter-Spring 2024 Final
P. 23
Volume 101, Issue 2 23
1923: COL Van Deventer, introduced Heroes of ’76 to Washington Chapter #3 and started Washington
Camp in July 1923. Heroes of ’76 is now a national-level Order.
1924: COL Van Deventer exemplified the Heroes Degree at the 4th Annual Meeting (one-day event not
yet called a National Convention) in Washington, D.C. on 10 June to demonstrate the Degree to Sojourners
and expand Heroes of ’76. There was no business meeting, elections, introduction of dignitaries, awards,
installation of officers, or meal.
1925: Wider acceptance of Heroes of ’76 begins with the first official National Encampment, although it
was not called that. Unlike National Sojourners, which sequentially numbers its Meetings (1921), Annual
Meetings (1922-24, 1943-45, and 2020), and National Conventions (collectively all from #1 in 1921 to #104
in 1924), Heroes of ’76 has not numbered its Annual National Encampments. However, by knowing which
is #1 (1925), the rest can be determined.
1926: First election of officers, when COL Christopher Van Deventer, 33°, was elected National Com-
mander, and CPT George F. Unmacht, 33°, was elected National Adjutant (NAdj). There were no other
National Officers, no installation, and no meal.
1927: The second election added more officers, with COL Van Deventer, and CPT Unmacht being reelect-
ed as NC and NADJ. In addition, a Chief of Staff (COS), an Officer of the Day (OOD), Sergeants (SGTs-2),
and a Sentinel were elected. No Assistant COS, Lieutenants, or Commander of the Guard, Chap, JA, Surg,
and Hist existed.
1928: Bennington Flag became the symbol of the Heroes of ’76, 15 recruits were made Heroes, and a brief
meal was available. From 1928 to 1967, the usual routine was to eat a brief meal without formality, retire,
hold the Business Meeting, and conduct the Heroes Degree on 10 or more recruits, and often end the ANE at
11:30 PM or later.
1930: The first Officer change since 1926 occurred.
1932: Three ACOS added, the SGTs became LTs, and two SGTs of the Guard added.
1935: COL Robert L. Queisser is elected as the only simultaneous NP and NC.
1947: COL Arthur J. Perry is elected as the only simultaneous NC, NS-T, and NAdj.
1949: First use of the term Annual Encampment. Previously event was called event was called the Heroes
Degree. Camps interchangeably used the terms muster, bivouac, and encampment without regard to how
many Camps or Camp Charters were present or involved.
1968: First use of the term “Bennington” with Bennington Buffets and Bennington Dinners.
1969: National Heroes Manual Committee created.
1975: Maj Charles A. Folsom, 33°, NC, limited bivouacs to one recruit with NC exceptions.
1977: Prior years had “Annual Banquets,” but this is the first President’s Banquet for NSI.
1978: The first mention of a “Bennington Banquet,” and first year of two banquets.
1991: The first use of current format (Heroes of ’76 Business Meeting, Degree, and evening Bennington
Banquet; officers still installed at the Heroes Degree/ANE, not at the banquet.
1992: First use of ANE Business, Degree, Banquet, and Officer Installation at Banquet.
2024: National Encampment and Bennington Banquets numbers . . . it’s convoluted.
Heroes of '76 has existed for nearly 102 years in National Sojourners (Jul 1922-Present) in the Order and
101 years as a National Order (two or more Camps in two or more States).
Heroes of ’76 has conducted some form of Degree or Encampment since 1924, but minus 1943, 1944,
1945, and 2020 (96 times through 2023 due to National Emergencies). However, Heroes of ’76 has managed
to elect officers (at least two officers), even during emergencies from 1926 through 2023—98 times.
Heroes of ’76 has held dinners/buffets before or after the Heroes Degree since 1928 (97 years and 93
times), titled them Bennington since 1968 (57 years and 56 times), and titled them Bennington Banquet since
1978 (47 Years and 46 times).
And to complete Bro. Paul Harvey’s closing line, “And now you know the rest of the story.”